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At the End of the Day, People Have to Be Responsible for the
           People The Put In Power......

May. 11, 2006
   'Fates of Europe, Israel connected'


   European Parliament member Hannu Takkula of Finland has urged
   Europeans to prevent the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud
   Ahmadinejad to Germany for the opening of the World Cup in June.

   In a reference to the Iranian nuclear threat, Takkula, who was
   speaking at a Europe Day event on Tuesday night said that never before
   had the fate of Israel and Europe been so inter-connected.

   "The same forces that hate Israel, also hate Europe," he said, adding
   that Europe must remain true to its Judeo-Christian roots by
   supporting Israel.

   The heritage of the European Union was founded on three cities -
   Athens, Rome and Jerusalem - said Takkula, who conceded that not
   everyone in the European Parliament shared his enthusiasm about
   Israel's capital, as illustrated by the absence of any European
   embassy in Jerusalem.

   Comparing what is happening in the world today with events of the
   1930s and 40s, Takkula noted that it was significant that European
   leaders agree that there is no other solution than peace and
   cooperation. In a sense, he said, it could be said that the EU grew
   out of the Holocaust.

   "One would have thought that events of the Second World War would have
   taught us lessons for centuries," he said, commenting that today's
   threats contain the same disturbing rhetoric as those of the 1930s.
   Attempts to destroy the Jewish state "are nothing more than the same
   old anti-Semitism," he said.

   Takkula said Europe bore some responsibility for Hamas's win in the
   Palestinian elections. Had Europeans not been so keen to support the
   previous corrupt government and had, instead, imposed stricter
   requirements about the use of funds, the situation might be different
   today, he said. He applauded France for playing a crucial role in
   preventing members of Hamas from entering the Council of Europe and
   taking part in the debate.

   Takkula also had praise for German Chancellor Angela Merkel for taking
   a firm stand with regard to Iran.

   "The Iranian president is clearly denounced by European leaders," he

   The Europe Day event was hosted by the International Christian Embassy
   Jerusalem (ICEJ) on behalf of the European Coalition for Israel.

   ICEJ Executive Director Malcolm Hedding, cognizant of voices within
   the European Union that are trying to make a distinction between the
   Hamas government and the Palestinian people, insisted that the EU
   should not differentiate between people and governments.

   "Otherwise, what is democracy?" he asked. "At the end of the day,
   people have to be responsible for the people they put in power."

   Moscow-born Israel Beiteinu MK Yuri Shtern, who chairs the Christian
   Allies Caucus, noted that until 2003, there was no officially
   registered pro-Israel group in any European Institution. As a native
   Russian he said, to him May 9, was not so much Europe Day as VE Day,
   which is celebrated on May 9 in the Soviet Union and countries of the
   former Soviet Union.

   Shtern shared the concern of his Christian colleagues that the message
   of history was being largely ignored.

   "When you read history, everything is so clear," he said. "You can
   make an immediate forecast about what would happen, because it did
   happen. Why could they not see it?"

   Looking around today, he continued, one could see the same phenomenon
   not only in Israel and in Europe, but in many other countries.

   One of the reasons that Hitler and his cohorts had been able to
   succeed for so long said Shtern, was because they used anti-Semitism
   as a tool in promoting German foreign policy. They appealed to the
   anti-Semitic sentiments of the European masses and European leaders,
   and in this way were able to disarm them and to take over Europe.

   "The challenge for Europe now is exactly the same," asserted Shtern.
   "Just as Europe was destroyed by anti-Semitism, it may be destroyed
   again, by anti-Zionism."

(We also are responsible for the people we put in power. George Bush is a
product of our creation and we bear the blame for what he does unless we
remove him......H)

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