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Angus Reid Global Scan : Polls & Research

Democrats Are 15 Points Ahead in U.S.

   May 24, 2006

   (Angus Reid Global Scan) - The Democratic Party maintains the upper
   hand before this year's congressional election in the United States,
   according to a poll by Rasmussen Reports. 48 per cent of respondents
   would vote for the Democratic candidate in their congressional
   district, while 33 per cent would support the Republican contender.

   In the November 2004 congressional ballot, the Republican Party
   elected 232 lawmakers to the House of Representatives, while the
   Democratic Party secured 202 seats. The Republicans also have a
   majority in the Senate, with 55 members in the 100-seat upper house.

   Support for the Democrats increased by two points since early May,
   while backing for the Republicans fell by three points.

   Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed the Palestinian
   Anti-Terrorism Act in a 361-37 vote. The legislation--sponsored by
   Republican congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Democratic
   congressman Tom Lantos--forbids all non-humanitarian aid to the
   Palestinian Authority until the Hamas-led government acknowledges
   Israel's "right to exist" and "ceases to support terrorism."

   A Senate version of the bill, which seeks to grant the president more
   freedom in dealing with the Palestinian administration, has not been
   voted on.

   American voters will renew the House of Representatives and one-third
   of the Senate on Nov. 7.

   All Content ©2003 - 2006. Angus Reid Consultants. All Rights
   Reserved.Privacy Policy. Site by Vision Critical.

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