On Aug 11, 2011, at 7:37 AM, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> "=item without any parameters is deprecated. It should either be followed by
>> * to indicate an unordered list, by a number (optionally followed by a dot)
>> to indicate an ordered (numbered) list or simple text for a definition
>> list."
>> perlpodspec states "Pod processors must tolerate a bare "=item" as if it
>> were "=item *"." Is Pod::Checker's behavior still in line with
>> perlpodspec?  Is the use of '=item' without any parameters deprecated?
>> Or should that warning be removed from Pod::Checker?
> I'd remove it.  It seems like a style thing to me, and while I personally
> prefer =item *, I don't see a good reason to require that.


>> Given that there is clearly a use for =itemless =over/=back blocks,
>> should it still be a warning? I think no, and instead, Pod::Checker
>> should warn about an empty =over/=back block, one that contains nothing
>> but whitespace.
> I agree -- this one should definitely go.


I had no idea one could do block quotes like this. Seems a bit too overloaded, 
frankly (what if I want my block quote to contain a list, just nest them?), but 
if the spec says that's what it is, then I wouldn't warn about it.



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