According to genehack, on May 22, 2014:

> I did start on Pod::Simple::POD, but it's still a work in progress. What
I've done so far is at , should
anybody want to pick it up and run with it.
> I think it was mainly a matter of writing tests, but honestly it has been
a while since I looked at that code.

(quotes taken from

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 7:06 AM, James E Keenan <> wrote:

> I am writing concerning
>  The objective of this ticket is to revise t/porting/podcheck.t so that it
> no longer depends on CPAN module Pod::Parser.  The latter has been
> designated "legacy code" but we cannot remove it from the core distribution
> until podcheck.t no longer depends on it, either directly (calls to
> parse_from_filehandle) or indirectly (via an older version of Pod::Checker
> which depends on Pod::Parser rather than Pod::Simple).
> While studying podcheck.t recently I noticed that we could get
> substantially closer to our goal if we took the following subroutine from
> podcheck.t:
> #####
> sub extract_pod {   # Extracts just the pod from a file; returns undef if
> file
>                     # doesn't exist
>     my $filename = shift;
>     my @pod;
>     # Arrange for the output of Pod::Parser to be collected in an array we
> can
>     # look at instead of being printed
>     tie *ALREADY_FH, 'Tie_Array_to_FH', \@pod;
>     if (open my $in_fh, '<:bytes', $filename) {
>         my $parser = Pod::Parser->new();
>         $parser->parse_from_filehandle($in_fh, *ALREADY_FH);
>         close $in_fh;
>         return join "", @pod
>     }
> ...
> #####
> ... and could rewrite the 'if' block using a Pod::Simple-based call.
>  However, AFAICT there is nothing in the latest CPAN release of Pod::Simple
> by which one could simple extract the POD from a file and return it as a
> single string, POD-formatting intact and otherwise unmodified.
> Karl Williamson noted (
> Display.html?id=116467#txn-1304150) that there have been some efforts in
> this direction, citing:
> pod-simple/tree/add-pod-simple-pod. Could you advise as to the current
> state of development of this fork and whether it is likely to be of benefit
> to P5P in this instance?
> Thank you very much.
> Jim Keenan

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