I have a small file of pod documentation and I would like to have a hash with 
keys being the head1 text (NAME, VERSION, AUTHOR etc) and value being the raw 
data of the lines read up to the next =head1.

I have subclassed Pod::Simple::PullParser to have the text value after head1, 
but my problem is to have the unparsed lines (including this =head1 XXX)

I saw that there is a raw_mode in the the _accessorize list in Pod::Simple and 
I have tried this code in my subclass

package Myparser;
use base qw(Pod::Simple::PullParser);
sub new {
     my $self = shift;
  my $new = $self->SUPER::new(@_);
  $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDOUT{IO};
     return $new;


But this does not seems to change the ouput of $token->text for example.

Thanks for any help


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