Karl Williamson <pub...@khwilliamson.com> writes:

> [...]
> I seem to be the one mostly maintaining Pod:Simple these days.  I
> think the design of Pod::Simple is basically sound.  If you came up
> with reasonable pull requests for either of those modules, I would
> apply them.
> All those TODOs in the code are from the original author, I believe,
> and they would be nice to have, but the code basically works and no
> one has felt the need to spend the effort to implement them.

Indeed, the parser in Pod::Simple is pretty easy to use.  I guess that
the formatting part can turn into a can of worms with regard to
different tastes how things should look like or behave.  It seems that
the Pods I'm dealing with are somewhat non-standard, so I don't think
that changing the behaviour of the existing formatters is justified.

For now, I've submitted a pull request for a few of those documentation
TODOs where I had to open the source to see what's available.

Maybe I'll get to that problem of nested 'a' elements later, but since
browsers don't really choke on that, it isn't too high on my list.

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