Something must have changed in PoCo::Client::HTTP 0.943 leaving the
kernel blocking even if all requests have been processed.

It occurs with a component using the (evil, I know!) run_one_timeslice()
method, namely

which then hangs in the test at

What I'm seeing is that even when the only HTTP request has been
processed, the kernel reports

=== 18510 === <rc> +----- GC test for session 1-----
<rc> | total refcnt  : 2
<rc> | event count   : 0
<rc> | post count    : 0
<rc> | child sessions: 2
<rc> | handles in use: 0
<rc> | aliases in use: 0
<rc> | extra refs    : 0
<rc> | pid count     : 0
<rc> +---------------------------------------------------

and then blocks on the main CORE::select() with a timeout of roughly
3600 seconds instead of terminating the main loop.

Any ideas on what might have changed recently?

-- Mike

Mike Schilli

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