Hi Michael,

I have to confess that I don't contribute to CPAN Testers network, but I have 
no problems with PoCo::Client::Keepalive 0.268 under Solaris 10 (both SPARC and 
and Perl 5.10.1 (succeeded to compile the module even in my legacy environment 
under Solaris 8 and Perl 5.8.8).

With the module versions listed below installed, "make test" runs successfully 
for PoCo::Client::Keepalive 0.268.
I hope the numbers below are good enough to cross-check on your side
[If needed, I could step my ClearCase view back to August 1st when the module 
was integrated].

The relevant excerpt from "perl -V" is
Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):

Hope this helps to get rid of the doesn't-compile-on-Solaris syndrome in this 

Best regards,

bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ ( truss -f make test 2>&1 ) > test.truss.log
bash-3.00$ egrep 'open.*[(].*\.pm".*[)] = [0-9]' test.truss.log | sed -e 
's,^.*/lib/,/,;s/[.]pm".*//1' -e 's,^.*/5[^/]*/,,1' -e 
's,[^/]*-[^/]*-[^/]*-[^/]*/,,1' -e 's,^//*,,' -e 's,/,::,g' | sort -u | perl 
-nle 'my $use = "use $_; printf \"%-40s %s\\n\", \"$_\", " . "\$" . $_ . 
"::VERSION"; eval $use;' 2>&1 | egrep '^[A-Za-z].* [0-9].[0-9]*$'
AutoLoader                               5.72
Benchmark                                1.11
Carp                                     1.23
Cwd                                      3.33
DirHandle                                1.03
DynaLoader                               1.10
Errno                                    1.11
Exporter                                 5.65
Exporter::Heavy                          5.65
ExtUtils::Command                        1.16
ExtUtils::Command::MM                    6.62
ExtUtils::Liblist                        6.62
ExtUtils::Liblist::Kid                   6.62
ExtUtils::MM                             6.62
ExtUtils::MM_Any                         6.62
ExtUtils::MM_Unix                        6.62
ExtUtils::MY                             6.62
ExtUtils::MakeMaker                      6.62
ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Config              6.62
Fcntl                                    1.06
File::Basename                           2.77
File::Compare                            1.1006
File::Copy                               2.14
File::Glob                               1.06
File::Path                               2.08
File::Spec                               3.33
File::Spec::Unix                         3.33
FileHandle                               2.02
IO                                       1.25
IO::File                                 1.14
IO::Handle                               1.28
IO::Pty                                  1.10
IO::Seekable                             1.1
IO::Select                               1.17
IO::Socket                               1.31
IO::Socket::INET                         1.31
IO::Socket::UNIX                         1.23
IO::Stty                                 0.03
IO::Tty                                  1.10
IPC::Open3                               1.04
List::Util                               1.23
Math::BigInt                             1.997
Math::BigInt::Calc                       1.997
Net::IP                                  1.25
Net::SSLeay                              1.42
POE                                      1.312
POE::Component::Client::Keepalive        0.268
POE::Component::Connection::Keepalive    0.268
POE::Component::Resolver                 0.914
POE::Component::Resolver::Sidecar        0.914
POE::Component::SSLify                   1.008
POE::Component::SSLify::ClientHandle     1.008
POE::Component::SSLify::ServerHandle     1.008
POE::Component::Server::TCP              1.312
POE::Driver::SysRW                       1.312
POE::Filter                              1.312
POE::Filter::Line                        1.312
POE::Filter::Reference                   1.312
POE::Kernel                              1.312
POE::Loop::PerlSignals                   1.312
POE::Loop::Select                        1.312
POE::Pipe                                1.312
POE::Pipe::OneWay                        1.312
POE::Pipe::TwoWay                        1.312
POE::Queue::Array                        1.312
POE::Resource::Aliases                   1.312
POE::Resource::Events                    1.312
POE::Resource::Extrefs                   1.312
POE::Resource::FileHandles               1.312
POE::Resource::SIDs                      1.312
POE::Resource::Sessions                  1.312
POE::Resource::Signals                   1.312
POE::Resources                           1.312
POE::Session                             1.312
POE::Wheel                               1.312
POE::Wheel::ReadWrite                    1.312
POE::Wheel::Run                          1.312
POE::Wheel::SocketFactory                1.312
POSIX                                    1.17
PerlIO                                   1.06
Scalar::Util                             1.23
SelectSaver                              1.02
Socket                                   1.96
Socket::GetAddrInfo                      0.21
Socket::GetAddrInfo::Core                0.21
Storable                                 2.30
Symbol                                   1.07
Sys::Hostname                            1.11
TAP::Base                                3.23
TAP::Formatter::Base                     3.23
TAP::Formatter::File                     3.23
TAP::Formatter::File::Session            3.23
TAP::Formatter::Session                  3.23
TAP::Harness                             3.23
TAP::Object                              3.23
TAP::Parser                              3.23
TAP::Parser::Aggregator                  3.23
TAP::Parser::Grammar                     3.23
TAP::Parser::Iterator                    3.23
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array             3.23
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process           3.23
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream            3.23
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory             3.23
TAP::Parser::Result                      3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::Bailout             3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::Comment             3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::Plan                3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::Pragma              3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::Test                3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::Unknown             3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::Version             3.23
TAP::Parser::Result::YAML                3.23
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory               3.23
TAP::Parser::Scheduler                   3.23
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Job              3.23
TAP::Parser::Scheduler::Spinner          3.23
TAP::Parser::Source                      3.23
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler               3.23
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Executable   3.23
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File         3.23
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Handle       3.23
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl         3.23
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::RawTAP       3.23
TAP::Parser::Utils                       3.23
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader             3.23
Task::Weaken                             1.04
Test::Builder                            0.98
Test::Builder::Module                    0.98
Test::Harness                            3.23
Test::More                               0.98
Tie::Hash                                1.03
Time::HiRes                              1.9724
XSLoader                                 0.15
base                                     2.14
bytes                                    1.03
constant                                 1.21
integer                                  1.00
lib                                      0.62
overload                                 1.07
parent                                   0.221
re                                       0.09
strict                                   1.04
utf8                                     1.07
vars                                     1.01
warnings                                 1.06
warnings::register                       1.01

Markus Jansen

Ericsson GmbH
Eurolab R&D
Ericsson Allee 1
52134 Herzogenrath, Germany
Phone +49 2407 575 5157
Fax +49 22407 575 150
Mobile +49 172 2742003

Ericsson GmbH. Sitz: Düsseldorf. Registergericht: Amtsgericht Düsseldorf, HRB 
33012. Geschäftsführer: Stefan Koetz (Vors.), Nils de Baar, Bernd Schmidt. 
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Anders Runevad.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Lackhoff [mailto:mich...@lackhoff.de]
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 10:42 AM
To: POE Mailing List
Subject: POE-Component-Client-Keepalive under Solaris

As the test results on CPAN indicate I am not the only one having problems with 
this module under Solaris. To keep my app going I installed version 0.260 from 
backpan but for easy distribution I would like it to work with the most recent 
Anything I could do to help fixing the problem(s)? Though I must admit I am no 
expert at all for the inner workings of POE. I just use 
POE::Component::Client::HTTP from a cookbook recipe and 
POE-Component-Client-Keepalive is a dependency.


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