On Wed, 4 Apr 2012, Nick Perez wrote:

At first glance without reading the documentation to this module,
I would say that this is wrong.

If that module is wrong, then I don't want to be right :).

You're correct that POE::Component::Client::HTTP performs HTTP client
calls, but LWP::UserAgent is (or at least was when POE::LWP::UserAgent
was created) more fully featured, offering cookies, SSL, WWW::Mechanize,

So the idea was to import those missing features into the POE world, but
changes to POE::Component::Client::HTTP broke it a while ago. The issue
is being discussed in this bug, feel free to chime in:


-- -- Mike

Mike Schilli

Fetching the $url should be a non-blocking action that you give it
a postback (or configured session/event to post) to notify you when
a response is ready for reading. There is a proper HTTP client for POE
that gives you this ability (albeit with a bit more verbosity). Take
a look at POE::Component::Client::HTTP and see if it better fits the
bill for what you need.

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