this is the first time I write in this mail-list, and I hope that the question is pertinent. You smile as well for my poor english.

I need to change an application that currently uses Protocol::WebSocket and POE::Component::Server::TCP packages so that it can accept from the same port even normal HTTP calls.

I currently use POE::Component::Server::HTTP but on a different port (http://myapp:8000 and ws://myapp:8001).

The target is to listen on the same port: http://myapp:8000/..... and for websocket ws://myapp:8000/ws

I tried to use Protocol::WebSocket with the TCP socket used by PoCo::Server::HTTP but my work is stalled.

I saw on CPAN that would be available the following packages :

POEx::Role::PSGIServer - Encapsulates core PSGI server behaviors

Plack::App::WebSocket - WebSocket server as a PSGI application
method "new_from_psgi" of Protocol::WebSocket::Handshake::Server

Unfortunately I can not find enough documentation to overcome the initial impact and achieve at least a first prototype.

If you know of resources such as books, sample code , slides, suggestions to help me, please feel free to report them , thank you.

As a"extrema ratio" I can use an external reverse proxy (http and websocket ) to aggregate the two services but would like to avoid maintaining a single process to manage the application, as it is now .

best regards

P.S. I use POE for a few years and I will continue to do so for many ...

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