Hi, John.

I don't see anything obviously wrong in the code you provided.  I don't have 
MPD, and I'm not familiar with the module you're using, but I can offer some 
general POE advice.

POE has some debugging switches, documented in POE::Kernel.  I recommend at 
least enabling: ASSERT_EVENTS, ASSERT_USAGE, and ASSERT_RETVALS.  You can do 
this in your shell:


Or to turn them all on (and a bit more) in one fell swoop:


Then run your program.  Hopefully POE will warn you about something relevant.

Rocco Caputo <rcap...@pobox.com>

On Feb 4, 2014, at 07:56, John <j...@tonebridge.com> wrote:
> none of the events I send get 
> to the daemon (also running on localhost with default port).

> maybe this is not a problem 
> with MPD.pm but my usage of POE.
> I can use the command line client that comes with MPD to 
> interact with the daemon and that works as expected as well as it 
> generates logging information.

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