
I'm new to POI and this mailing list.

I tried POI 3.0 and I ran into troubles using Excel functions like TODAY() with an empty parameter list.

It seems that in the FormulaParser class in Ident at the end of the method an empty parameter list is taken as a cell reference:

       } else {
           //this can be either a cell ref or a named range !!
boolean cellRef = true ; //we should probably do it with reg exp??
           boolean boolLit = (name.equals("TRUE") || name.equals("FALSE"));
           if (boolLit) {
               tokens.add(new BoolPtg(name));
           } else if (cellRef) {
               tokens.add(new ReferencePtg(name));
           }else {
               //handle after named range is integrated!!

This results in a formula string like:


which excepts:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid Formula cell reference: 'SEMIVOLATILE'
   at org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellReference.<init>(CellReference.java:47)

Actually it strikes me that this semiVolatile might be created much earlier and the Ident just assumes it must be a cell reference...

Is that a bug and is someone working at it or is there no hope for a solution soon?

Thanks in advance for any comments,

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