Oops. There are more bugs in the docs.
I will upload the correct version in an hour.
Thanks for the help.


YS> Yegor,

YS> Thanks a lot for the update.
YS> I might be missing something, but I can't find getRichTextRuns in the
YS> TextBox class. How can it be?

YS> Regards,
YS> Yaniv.

YS> -----Original Message-----
YS> From: Yegor Kozlov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
YS> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 13:33 PM
YS> To: POI Developers List
YS> Subject: Re: Change font of TextBox in SlideShow

YS> Hi,

YS> I updated the docs on the POI web site.
YS> See the updated examples at
YS> http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/hslf/how-to-shapes.html#Shapes

YS> Regards,
YS> Yegor

YS>> Hi,


YS>> I'm new to list so I hope I didn't miss anything on the docs/archives.

YS>> I saw that in the examples shown at:

YS>> http://jakarta.apache.org/poi/hslf/how-to-shapes.html

YS>> There is an option to change the TextBox font using a setFonrSize &
YS>> setFontName but I couldn't find these methods on the poi-scratchpad
YS> package.

YS>> How can I use these methods?


YS>> Thanks,

YS>> Yaniv.

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