Hi All

Hopefully within the next few days, we'll have the new website setup. Once I've put the site live on it, and finished the giant s/Jakarta POI/Apache POI/ on most of the docs, I was planning to produce a -RC for 3.0.1.

The main change from 3.0 will be the name, plus the few bugs we've fixed, plus a slightly different build process, so we'll end up with all the artificats having the right names everywhere (see src/documentation/Release-Checklist.txt for the new guide)

If you're happy for me to produce a release candidate for 3.0.1 in a few days time, no need to do anything (well, except for vote once I've produced it). If you do think there's a reason why we should hold off on 3.0.1 a little bit longer, shout.


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