I ve not tried this but looks like when u ve "HSSFWorkbook"  object (read from 
InputStream) , u can add / modify sheets, rows and cells to it. Its like 
modifying the object state in memory. However (I believe) u need to write it 
back to see the modification.

Hope this is helpful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Selvakumar, Sivagnanam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 05 March 2007 14:47
To: poi-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Editing excel file online

Hi All,


I am newbie to the forum. I have query regarding HSSF.


I wrote a code  to read the excel file from browsed location and I can also 
able to read cells.


My query is how to edit the browsed excel file online. Please anyone suggesst 
me, how to do it.






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