Hi all,

I'm new to this group. I'm trying to generate MS Excel from my java code.
I'ts working great, but i have some alignment issue like the width of the
cell is not enough to fit the text.

i.e the cell width is not good enough to view the text that is displaying.
I need to set the width size automatic (i.e something like AutoFit option)
i.e the cell width should be set to max length of text value in that column.

I walked through api of HSSF (poi) but i dont find any method to set the
autoSize of the Column
i have latest jar of poi-bin-3.0-alpha3-20061212 (12-Dec-2006)

I have seen in couple of places that new method called "autoSizeColumn()"
was added, but i don't see even in alpha build, is there any other build

Please provide me the link to download the latest jar of POI.

Any Suggestions will be appreciated .

Looking for any kind of help, i was in little bit urgency.


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