At 03:53 PM 6/1/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear List:
>I'm back from my food research trip to Poland, and thought you might be
>interested in a few of my general impressions.
>Kind regards,
>Joan Peterson

Dear Joan,

Many thanks for your report. It came as a nice surprise, because frankly,
our experience with "outsiders" coming to Poland-L to ask some questions
regarding Poland or Polish culture is quite different - they disappear and
never come back. That was perhaps the reason your inquiries before the trip
were not received here too warmly.

I am glad you liked it in Poland. In a few weeks I am going there for the
first time in six years, and hope that my visit will be a nice one as well.

Have  a great success with your book,


Michal Niewiadomski

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