Jako ze kiedys na lisie pojawilo sie nazwisko Davida Irvinga, pozwalam 
sobie na [FWD] informacji:
CNN/TIME oznajmilo, ze w niedziele, 16 stycznia 2000, nadany zostanie
15-minutowy wywiad z Davidem Irvingiem. W poprzednio ogloszonym terminie, 9
stycznia, program zostal odwolany bez zadnych wyjasnien.

9 pm EST Sunday night / 2am GMT Monday morning
4 am EST / 9 am GMT Monday
Midday EST / 5 pm GMT Monday


CNN: " THE Holocaust -- five to six million Jews systematically exterminated
by the Nazis. It is an unquestionable matter of fact… right? As surprising
as it may seem, the actual events of the Holocaust will come into question
this week as a much-anticipated trial gets underway in Great Britain.

British historian David Irving has said there is no documented evidence to
prove that there were gas chambers at the Auschwitz concentration camp or
that Hitler ordered the extermination of Europe's Jews. When Deborah
Lipstadt, a professor of Jewish studies at Atlanta's Emory University,
accused him of "joining the ranks of Holocaust deniers" in her book Denying
the Holocaust, Irving sued Lipstadt for libel. Irving has been a widely
published and well-respected British historian who wrote on the human
tragedy inflicted on the city of Dresden by Allied bombers and uncovered
documents belonging to the inner circle of Germany's Nazi leadership.

He has questioned aspects of the Holocaust, such as the existence of gas
chambers and how many Jews were killed by the Nazis. After Lipstadt's book
was released in the United Kingdom in 1995, Irving filed a libel suit.
British law places the burden of proof on the defendant in libel suits; now
Lipstadt must prove that Irving denies the existence of the Holocaust. CNN &
TIME's [Charles] Glass explores this complicated case and speaks with Irving
and his critics about the issues surrounding it. The case of Irving versus
Lipstadt could take months. And David Irving says he expects to spend a good
deal of that time being cross-examined about his views on the Nazis and
World War II."[...]

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