On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 06:21:29PM +0200, Vladimir Vladimirov wrote:
> Thank you for pointing me Robert
> I've tried code you've sent me:
> sh-2.05b# perl -wle '
> >($(,$)) = (80, "80 80"); die $! if $!;
> >($<,$>) = (80, 80); die $! if $!;
> >print "ruid: $<\neuid: $>\nrgid: $(\negid: $)\n" '
> ruid: 80
> euid: 80
> rgid: 80 80
> egid: 80 80
> it works

Good to know. Thanks!
The diff you provided changed other stuff, too. However, I take it as suggestion
on how to implement it. Thanks again.

    Robert Felber (PGP: 896CF30B)
    Munich, Germany

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