
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 12:22:54 -0500
From: Alan Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FC: House panel vote Wed. on bill forcing ICANN to create .kids

Hi, Declan -

As you noted, the .kids bill will be marked-up in subcommittee on 
Wednesday. The markup is of a *new* bill HR 3833 - which includes two major 
changes from previous legislation that was the subject of hearings this fall:

* it calls for creation of .kids.us, not a new gTLD
* it focuses on kids 12 and under, not 17 and under

The changes do mitigate some of the problems with reaching a global 
consensus on .kids, with Congress putting mandates on ICANN, and with 
thorny issues about what material is appropriate for teens.

However, concerns remain: How do you come up with a country-wide consensus 
on what should be in .kids? Will families in New York City and Salt Lake 
City agree on what is appropriate for kids under 13? How will you enforce 
such a standard? Are we giving parents false hope about creating a "safe" 
zone for kids that might not be so safe? And should Congress really be 
placing these mandates on a registry operator anyway?

Case in point: The bill limits .kids.us to material "suitable for minors," 
defined as material that "is not psychologically or intellectually 
inappropriate for the age of the targeted audience." Who is going to 
interpret that?

CDT's letter from last fall on .kids is available online at:

We expect to put the new bill text up shortly at:

         - Alan

Alan Davidson, Associate Director            202.637.9800 (v)
Center for Democracy and Technology          202.637.0968 (f)
1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 1100                  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Washington, DC 
20006                         <http://www.cdt.org>http://www.cdt.org

The Honorable Fred Upton
2333 Rayburn Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

The Honorable Edward J. Markey
2108 Rayburn Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

October 31, 2001

Dear Chairman Upton and Congressman Markey:

The Center for Democracy & Technology is writing to voice its questions and 
concerns about a proposed Congressional mandate for a ".kids" top level 
domain.  This issue is raised by H.R. 2417, the ".kids Domain Name 
Act."  We understand that the legislation is moving away from creation of a 
".kids" top level domain, and we are encouraged by this shift.  However, we 
are writing to highlight concerns about the negative effect that such a 
mandate could have on efforts to effectively protect children, free 
expression, and the management of the domain name system.

The protection of children online is of paramount concern worldwide. CDT 
has been a leader in seeking ways to preserve free expression online while 
assuring that children are safe.  CDT was an active participant in the 
development of GetNetWise, a "one-click-away" resource of information and 
tools for families seeking to guide their children's online 
experience.  CDT has also been active in representing public interest 
perspectives at ICANN and recently co-authored a major study on public 
participation in DNS coordination.

Our questions about creation of a ".kids" domain are twofold.  First, it is 
not clear that creating a ".kids" top level domain would effectively 
protect children online or satisfy the diverse needs of families around the 
country and the world who wish to control their children's online 
experience. Second, creation of the domain may well have unintended 
consequences that run counter to US interests in free expression and 
governance of the Internet.

1. Each American family is unique in its view of what material is 
appropriate for children. Throughout the United States, parents have widely 
varying opinions on what material is appropriate for their children, online 
or off.  Some families greatest concern is about their child's exposure to 
hate speech; others may wish to keep their child from sexually oriented 
material; still others may want to avoid violent content.  What is 
appropriate for a family in New York may not be right for a family in 
Peoria.  Effective administration of a ".kids" domain would require 
agreement on a national standard for what is right for children.  Given the 
diversity of values among American families, it may be impossible to create 
such an all-encompassing standard.  Doing so could result in many children 
gaining access to material that their family believes is not appropriate, 
or being denied access to material their parents may believe is right for 

2. Similarly, it is not possible to establish a single, global standard for 
child-appropriateness that reflects the diversity of cultures online. The 
Internet is a global network that is accessed by every country on 
Earth.  The diversity of values represented on the Internet makes it 
impossible to identify a uniform, "one-size-fits-all" standard of 
child-appropriateness. Some kinds of content that most Americans find 
inappropriate for children are acceptable abroad, and vice versa. Such a 
lack of uniformity in standards seriously challenges any attempt to fairly 
administer a ".kids" domain.

3. Forced migration of content to ".kids," or to other new domains, could 
harm free expression values online. While not proposed today, creation of a 
".kids" domain raises the fear that other domains could be mandated in the 
future that might encourage discrimination against certain content.

4. A ".kids" domain could provide a tempting place for predators to 
identify and contact children online. As Congress's own Commission on 
Online Child Protection noted, an Internet domain devoted to children would 
create a risk that "concentration of children's activities in this area 
could attract predators."

5. A US Congress mandate to ICANN to create .kids should be avoided, lest 
other governments attempt to do the same. While the Internet Corporation 
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a U.S.-based organization that 
manages the DNS system under arrangement with the Department of Commerce, 
it is designed to serve and be responsive to the global Internet community. 
A dictum from Congress that ICANN install ".kids" would threaten ICANN's 
international standing and credibility as an international manager.  It 
could also encourage other governments to pressure ICANN to help implement 
their own policy agendas.

CDT participated as a member of the Children's Online Protection Act 
Commission, established by the Congress to evaluate the accessibility, cost 
and effectiveness of technologies and methods to protect children, as well 
as their possible effects on privacy, First Amendment values and law 
enforcement.  The Commission heard the testimony of a wide range of experts 
on the issues, and concluded that the best way to protect children online 
was through public education, user empowerment, and aggressive enforcement 
of existing laws. The findings of the Commission indicate that there are 
many reasons why the creation of a ".kids" top level domain is not a 
workable solution to the problem of protecting children online.

We encourage the committee to continue its move away from a mandate for 
ICANN to create a  ".kids" top level domain.  We would be happy to work 
with the committee on this issue and to have the opportunity to discuss 
this issue with you further.


Jerry Berman
Executive Director

Alan Davidson
Associate Director

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