[I have not researched this case and do not know Marc Perkel. The lasd.org 
sheriff's site lists Marc Perkel's cause of arrest as: "FUGITIVE FROM 
JUSTICE WARRANTLESS ARREST." His own website, perkel.com, says he was 
arrested in Missouri in Sep. 1998 on charges of trespassing. So far I've 
seen nothing to indicate the "fugitive from justice" status has anything to 
do with Perkel's web publishing or political views. --Declan]


Subject: Marc Perkel, owner of www.overthrowthegovernment.org
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 23:39:40 CET
From: "Magnus Hellman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Declan,

Marc Perkel, who owns the above web-site, was arrested (I think this 
morning) on return to LA from Australia.  There's an arrest booking at 

The police are apparently not telling Perkel why he was arrested.  It's 
possibly over a matter of $2500, but he can't use his credit card to send 
the money because the complainant hasn't been identified.  Perkel will 
probably be extradited to Missouri where he is wanted, but again the police 
aren't saying why.  Details of Perkel's run-ins with police in Missouri can 
be found at <http://www.perkel.com/pbl/city/index.htm>.

Perkel is also the owner of the web-site behind BartCop.com 
<http://www.bartcop.com>, a daily political humour site which is sometimes 
critical of the current federal administration.  Updates of Perkel's 
situation will probably be posted first at <http://www.bartcop.com>, or 
<http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/82850> (on online chat forum) if the 
police pull the plug on Perkel's server.

Magnus Hellman

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