[I recommend the George Mason IHS programs. I have lectured to their summer 
programs before at their Arlington campus. --Declan]


From: "Damon Chetson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Seminar: Liberty & Crisis
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2002 16:41:57 -0500


Since your list has included stories relating to post-9/11 civil liberties,
I thought I'd mention to your readers that the Institute for Humane Studies
is hosting a weekend seminar this summer July 5-7 (Thursday - Sunday) at
Bryn Mawr College just outside of Philadelphia called:

Liberty and Crisis
Bryn Mawr College
July 5-7, 2002
More info on this free seminar at http://www.theihs.org/tab3/thefirst.html

One of the key themes of the weekend is how we can balance legitimate
concerns about security with the need to protect individual liberties. We'll
also talk about how, during times of crisis, individual liberties are often
sacrificed and are never fully recovered even after the crisis subsides. The
role of politics in technology will certainly come up for discussion

The seminar is free - attendees must pay travel to and from Bryn Mawr.  IHS
covers tuition, meals, and (reasonably nice) campus digs.  We hope to have
50 smart folks there for presentations, lots of discussion, and, as is the
case with all IHS seminars, lots of fun.

I really hope this seminar attracts folks from all across the political
spectrum since I know the subject of civil liberties, terrorism, security,
and war concerns people on the left, right, center, and libertarian.  I want
to get smart people together who might disagree, but who are willing to

For more about IHS which is a non-profit educational institute affiliated
with George Mason University, visit http://www.theihs.org/meta/about.html

*** So please pass along.  And if you receive this email, please continue to
pass along to your friends in the ACLU or in the LP or at EFF or in various
groups that have something to say about these issues, etc. ***

I'm happy to answer any questions about seminar, the application process
(which is quite easy) and so forth.  Email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Damon Chetson
Program Director
Institute for Humane Studies


Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:54:13 -0500
From: Eric Wortman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For Immediate Release:            Contact:  Karin Kullman/Eric Wortman
March 14, 2002           (202) 547-0001



WASHINGTON, D.C. * The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) will host a 
debate about the impact of new homeland security efforts on privacy issues 
at a forum on Friday, March 15, 2002 at 9:30a.m.  PPI vice president Robert 
Atkinson and senior policy analyst Shane Ham will be joined by Jim Dempsey, 
deputy director of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), to 
discuss issues ranging from enhanced surveillance of suspected terrorists 
to improving our systems for issuing driver's licenses to citizens and 
visas to foreign visitors.  This is the next installment of PPI's "Friday 
Forum" program, a discussion series featuring Washington's most influential 
policy and opinion leaders.

Robert Atkinson is the director of PPI's Technology and New Economy Project 
and has done extensive work on e-commerce, privacy and technology issues, 
and Shane Ham is the senior policy analyst for the Technology & New Economy 
Project.  Atkinson and Ham have recently written policy papers on 
technology and security issues including *Modernizing the State 
Identification System* and *Using Technology to Detect and Prevent 
Terrorism.* As CDT Deputy Director, Jim Dempsey is working on privacy and 
electronic surveillance issues and heads CDT's international project, the 
Global Internet Policy Initiative (GIPI), which supports adoption in 
developing countries of the legal and policy framework for an open and 
democratic Internet.

Please call (202) 547-0001 to RSVP.

  WHO:  Robert Atkinson, PPI Vice President
  Shane Ham, PPI Senior Policy Analyst
  Jim Dempsey, Center for Democracy and Technology

   WHAT:  PPI Friday Forum *Balancing Privacy & Security After Sept. 11*

  WHEN:  Friday, March 15, 2002
       9:30 a.m-11:00 a.m.

   WHERE:  Progressive Policy Institute
     600 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Suite 400

The Progressive Policy Institute's Technology and New Economy Project seeks 
to educate federal, state, and local policy makers about what drives the 
New Economy, and to foster policies that promote technological advances, 
economic innovation, investment, and entrepreneurship.  For additional 
information, Web users may access The Progressive Policy Institute Online, 
at www.ppionline.org, or contact PPI's communications office at (202) 547-0001.

#       #       #


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