Heh!! Grateful now to have been barred from GMLH for insufficient 
I didn't even say anything good about jews: just that I can't find any 
artfacts of "ancient jews" that isn't faked.
In my collection of picture books about Jewish and Mideastern history 
there are art and artifacts from every ancient culture excapt Ancient Jews.
When they need to illustrate "Ancient Jews" they show generic ruins, or 
something mislabled.
I find this suspicious.
I find it doubly suspicious that it was enough to get me bumped off 
GMLH.where the Blame Jews agenda seems like it's meant to cover up 
Masonic, Jesuit, Royalist and Bushie perps.
"British Israelis" hate Jews and want the Queen to rule from Jersualem.
Jesuits want the Pope to Rule from Jersualem.
Masonics want to rebuiild Solomon's temple and Rule From Jerusalem
Bushies seem to be under the thumb of ISis RA EL, the Mystery Babylon 
outpost that Hates all HUmanity, but hates Jews worst.

Sean McBride wrote:

> A few points:
> 1. When you use language like "one very ugly demented Jewess" you are 
> crossing the line into hardcore anti-Semitism, in my opinion.  What do 
> you hope to accomplish with this kind of language, other than to 
> marginalize yourself and to undercut your message?
> 2.  As I recall, Albright apologized for the remarks she made about 
> the effects of the embargo.  Her original statement was appalling, to 
> be sure -- she appeared to be justifying large-scale genocide against 
> Arab children.
> 3. Don't we need to give the opportunity in this world for people to 
> change their minds, to reform, to improve their attitudes and thinking?
> I hardly want to apologize for everything that Albright has said and 
> thought -- she, along with Sandy Berger, William Cohen and other 
> Clintonites, bear a large responsibility for the Iraq War that has 
> been conducted by the Bush administration.  But I think she deserves 
> better than to be attacked with anti-Semitic abuse.  If she is saying 
> more sensible things about Iraq now than she was before, perhaps she 
> should be encouraged in that direction.
> */celestial_shamanka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>     "DA BULL"
>     By Bob Djurdjevic
>     PHOENIX, Feb. 9 - It is not known if Madeleine Albright, the newly-
>     confirmed Secretary of State, has paid much attention to American
>     pro-sports. So the Chicago area phrases - "Da Bears," "Da Bulls"... -
>     popularized on the Saturday Night Live show - may be lost on her.
>     Nevertheless, Albright still managed to produce "Da Bull" as if she
>     were a Chicago native.
>     During the first week of February, faced with irrefutable evidence
>     presented to her by the Washington Post that she was of Jewish
>     heritage, she said that "all this was a major surprise to me."
>     Meanwhile, while Albright's "surprise" - Alzheimer-type at age 59,
>     or feigned, O.J.-type - has caused some gut-wrenching reactions
>     among the Jewish-Americans, it drew smirks and chuckles among the
>     people who knew her father and the Korbel (her maiden name) family.
>     The Korbels lived in Belgrade, Serbia, between 1936-1938 and 1945-
>     1948.
>     When asked recently if he knew that Albright was of Jewish heritage,
>     a Belgrade university professor replied: "Of course, I know
>     that. 'Everybody and his uncle' in Belgrade knows that."
>     Except, it seems, for Madeleine Albright herself. And the gullible
>     American media which are yet to print any details about Albright's
>     stay in Belgrade. So "Da Bull" flourishes...
>     By contrast, here is what this writer wrote on Feb. 4 - the day
>     before he saw the Washington Post or the New York Times stories
>     about Albright - to a media editor in Washington, DC:
>     "...In the meantime, thought you may be interested in the enclosed
>     letter (about Clinton and Albright letting down a Marine beaten by
>     Milosevic's police) which I sent today to all U.S. Senators and
>     Congressmen who have e-mail addresses.
>     I also thought that it was quite disgraceful for Madeleine Albright
>     suddenly to 'discover' her Jewish heritage today, when this was
>     commonly known by everybody who knew her family, who moved from
>     Czechoslovakia to Belgrade, Serbia, in 1936 partly to avoid the
>     Nazis' persecution.
>     Which is why I thought that she had deliberately withheld that
>     information from her "official bio," maybe so that she would not
>     have to explain that she got to go to school in Serbia, or that her
>     father (a former Czech ambassador in Belgrade) was a great
>     Serbophile.
>     Now that she admitted her Jewish background, plus that she was
>     raised a Roman Catholic before becoming an Episcopalian, my... she
>     may be only the second U.S. government official after Clinton to
>     qualify for my 'Nothing-nothing' liberal nirvana award. Heck she is
>     half way there now! With three religions in her bag already, she
>     only has to convert to Islam, Buddhism and the Orthodox Christianity
>     and she'd be a model of a liberal nihilist-globalist - Ms.
>     Halfbright Nothing, 'citizen of the world,' who believes in
>     nothing." [smiley face] (except money and power).
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>     -----------
>     Madeleine Albright, Secretary of Hate, Associated Press photo,
>     scanned from front page of the New York Times, Nov. 17, 1997
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>     -----------
>     As more details about Albright's character emerged over the
>     following several days, her lust for money and power, and her
>     disdain for her own heritage became even more evident.
>     On Feb. 25, 1994, the mayor of Letohrad (a Czech town from which the
>     Korbel family hails) wrote to Albright that her Jewish father came
>     from this small Bohemian town, and that her grandparents and other
>     close relatives had died in Nazi camps, the New York Times reported
>     from the Czech Republic on Feb. 7:
>     "...Other extensive details of Albright's family are then related by
>     Silar and other people in the town, including how Josef Korbel and
>     his brother Jan later studied in Prague; how Josef Korbel's sister
>     married a man named Rudolf Deml; how the Demls then had a daughter
>     named Dagmar -- Madeleine Albright's first cousin -- who went to
>     England "before the Nazi occupation", the NYT reported. "If she ever
>     received and read this material, the details about her cousin Dagmar
>     must have been particularly compelling. As a young girl - she was
>     born in 1937 - Albright knew Dagmar very well in London."
>     So how did Albright treat Dagmar, her first cousin and her childhood
>     chum after Maria Jana (the latter day Madeleine) became a "hot
>     shot?"
>     In two words - "like dirt."
>     Albright's cousin said on Thursday (Feb. 7) in an interview with the
>     NYT that, after various attempts to make contact, she also had the
>     impression that the Secretary of State wanted, for some reason, to
>     sever ties with her Czech family.
>     "Obviously, she does not want a relationship with me," Dagmar
>     said. "It did hurt. But I got over it. It can't be helped. I have
>     other relatives and many friends."
>     On recent visits to the Czech Republic in 1994 and 1995, Albright
>     made no effort to contact her cousin and did not respond to a letter
>     Dagmar handed to one of her bodyguards.
>     Dagmar's young sister, Milena, also died in WW II. At the age of 12,
>     also the first cousin of Albright, was killed at Auschwitz in 1944.
>     Similarly, the article which the mayor of Albright's home town sent
>     with his letter in 1994 said, "Mrs. Deml and her parents Arnost
>     Korbel and his wife, Olga, died in the gas chambers" -- a clear
>     statement of the fact that Albright's aunt and her grandparents were
>     killed by the Nazis.
>     The Jan. 18, 1997 issue of Belgrade's weekly, VREME published an
>     excerpt from Madeleine Albright father's 1951 book - "Tito's
>     Yugoslavia" In it, this distinguished Czech diplomat and a great
>     friend of the Serbs, according to those who knew him, described how
>     he handled a similar situation involving another woman who was
>     embarrassed of her Czech roots. It happened at a diplomatic cocktail
>     party in 1945 in Belgrade given by the Yugoslav communist dictator,
>     Josip Broz Tito: "...I was in the company of some Yugoslav generals
>     when my former friend (Vladimir Ribnikar - an heir to the oldest
>     Serbian publishing house - POLITIKA), and his Czech wife passed by."
>     (Earlier on in his book, Ambassador Korbel talked about how these
>     close Serbian family friends, dating back to his 1936-1938 years in
>     Belgrade as the Czech cultural attachi - the Ribnikars, used to
>     visit each other at least once a week, ignored him after he arrived
>     as a Czech ambassador to Belgrade in 1945).
>     "This time, they could not avoid seeing me. Yet, without a word of
>     welcome, she (Mrs. Ribnikar) said: 'Don't consider me a Czech
>     anymore. I have become a Yugoslav. I am full of the 'partisan'
>     (communist) spirit, and I have forgotten my Czech ancestors."
>     The (Yugoslav) generals were surprised by such an undiplomatic
>     comment. I was also ashamed. But I managed to reply: "I am sorry to
>     hear that. But we have in our country so many good women that we'd
>     be glad to let our Yugoslav friends have one of them."
>     Just as Albright's cousin, Dagmar, seemed disappointed but ready to
>     move on ("it did hurt. But I got over it. It can't be helped. I have
>     other relatives and many friends") - so does the ambassador Korbel's
>     dignified answer reveal similar sentiments. He'd be probably turning
>     in his grave if he were to see what has come of his daughter.
>     One cannot help but wonder what it is about some people that makes
>     them so anxious to give up their national or ethnic identity for
>     money and power? Is that why the Czech Republic became the darling
>     of foreign multinationals? (In 1995, for example, this country with
>     the population of only 10 million received as much in foreign
>     investments as did the four times larger Poland - $2.5 billion each,
>     and MORE than Russia, a country with the population 14 times that of
>     the Czech Republic).
>     Whatever the answer to this question, there is a more important
>     matter about which we, the American citizens, must be concerned
>     about. Madeleine Albright, alias Maria Jana Korbel, born a Jew,
>     baptized a Catholic, now an Episcopalian, appointed to the Secretary
>     of State post by a godless draft-evading President, is now in charge
>     of our foreign policy.
>     If Albright was so eager to dump her Czech roots and her Jewishness
>     for money and power, how can we be sure that this Secretary of State
>     won't do the same with the American national interests? Or perhaps
>     was that, in fact, the whole point and the main criterion for
>     selecting her for the top foreign policy post?
>     Maybe our ruling elites, the establishment plutocrats who decide
>     whom to send to Washington, only pick the people like Clinton or
>     Albright who "believe in nothing" except in money and power. Maybe
>     only unscrupulous candidates who are willing to sell out principles
>     and protect their sponsors', rather than our national, interests
>     are "good enough to serve our country" - another "Da Bull"
>     establishment line .
>     As we wrote in the Truth in Media Bulletin 96-08, 8/29/96, having
>     people like that "in charge of the U.S. national security is like
>     hiring a fox to guard a chicken coop. With the American people
>     inside."
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>     -----------
>     http://www.srpska-mreza.com/library/facts/Mad.html
>     Bob Djurdjevic
>     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Published in: TRUTH IN MEDIA
>     Feb. 10, 1997
>     Phoenix, Arizona
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>     -----------
>     The truth belongs to us all.
>     Feel free to download, copy and redistribute.
>     Last revised: Dec. 28, 1997
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