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Subject:        [mememachine] The September 11th Time-Bomb: 'Unveiling' 
Weapons of Electrical Mass Destruction
Date:   Tue, 20 Dec 2005 16:07:20 -0000
From:   Alamantra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The September 11th Time-Bomb:
'Unveiling' Weapons of Electrical Mass Destruction
by T.S. Gordon

We first learned of an advanced "Particle-Beam-Howitzer Weapon," back in 1977,
when retiring USAF Major, George J Keegan, foretold of Russia's ability to
disarm the USA from the other side of the Globe. His claim was they could
disable every piece of US artillery, including our submarines, just by emitting
"Tesla Waves!" In theory, also providing 'unlimited' energy resources for
mankind. Serious business, yet the Pentagon responded to that impending threat
with additional funding requests for its ongoing cruise missile program called:
(SDI) the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star-Wars."

At the time, the World News reliably covered geographical events. They said
that UASF pilots had seen "huge electrical plasma shields" over Russia and the
North Pole, so we believed them. They showed pictures of a massive eruption off
the Gulf of Mexico, which sent a plume of water hundreds of feet in the air, but
the 'source' of that energy was never explained. Comparable allegations were
quickly dismissed by President Carter as a "sci-fi conspiracy." I was mortified:
How would people ever forgive "Popular Science" for having so blatantly mislead
the public with this breaking story of a lifetime? How Wrong can our News Media
afford to be?

Within hours of the 9-11 tragedy, President Bush provided fore-knowledge of the
alleged perpetrators and their evil scheme. "The Attacks," he asserted, "were
Acts of War," bearing the unmistakable mark of Usama Bin Laden's ruthless
AlQuaeda -gang. All Forces were directed to apprehend "suspicious Rogue
elements," {principally Arabic born Nationals,} as Bush declaring an all-out
"War on Terrorism," Mr. Bush, seeking Ultimate revenge, offered: "A reward for
these people- "Dead, or Alive!" But, we quickly learned that several of the
people on those flight manifests were living normal lives in their homeland. So,
when they said: "Look! I've never contemplated a trip to the United States, or
ever heard of Bin Laden!"- I have to believe them. But, I can't buy "the
Passports that were retrieved in the rubble at 'ground-zero,' as though
materialized from thin air, story." -sorry!

To protect these "myths" originating from the Oval office, the Senate
Republican Majority leaders have asked the Press: "Not to report on these
sensitive controversial issues, at this time when the Presidential election is
so near at hand." Only the General Accounting Office can intervene, as President
George W. Bush continues to apply pressure on his hand-picked investigative
committee to reach closure in this case. It's a complete witch-hunt that history
will surely label: "the Official 9/11 Whitewash."

Intelligence? -"Would you believe, Maxwell Smart?"

flash forward...

<< IRAQ! >>

The Gigantic Explosions that we witnessed Live, from Quatar, during "Shock &
Awe" went beyond all military logic. Seeking the simplest of explanations, I
discovered NASA's high-res (IR) satellite views, on the internet, where you can
see a very different map of what was actually going on in the battlefield.
(Probably much more than the President knows.) Viewing the damages on a
block-by-block scale, it appears, in a majority of cases, the bombs inflicted
tiny penetrations, with very large shock areas littered in 'iridescent metal
oxides.' This suggested that newly developed chemical weapons were widely being
used. Just compare the color in the 'glowing embers' that highlighted
Manhattan's skyline, to those in Baghdad. To Donald Rumsfeld, Iraq represented a
superlative test site, offering relentlessly indiscriminate use of
electro-mechanical pulse, or 'EMP' ordinances. These are listed on the "Critical
Technologies List." Using them specifically; in combination with complex 'ionic'
and 'ferrous,' flash-burning chemicals, is a clear violation of the "Spratt-fuse
Law" of 1994.

A 'shoot-to-kill' order was placed on most Independent journalists, especially
camera teams who became targets, following the release of a British reporter's
story, wherein he vividly described: ...the "Horror of seeing people 'fried' by
a 'lightning-beam' -leaving a corpse that looked as 'road kill,' more than you
can imagine, more so than anything resembling a human being!"

This should disgust you even if you don't remember all those silly U.S.
Treaties. As in Vietnam, these 'lucky' coalition soldiers will soon return to
freely provide first-hand 'intelligence' about these 'secret' new
life-threatening technologies.

Our Military 'needed' to test these devices on live telephone and electric
power-circuits to determine how much energy could be propagated, at what
distances and what power levels. This was our initial strategic concern.
Satellite imagery was used to generate highly sought 'fatality-ratios,' (which
may have been larger, or smaller than anticipated.) To obtain "good data" they
had to shut down the power throughout Baghdad. In the absence of all electric
current, all that remains 'visible' to the satellite sensors is the resulting
radiation and heat emission.

The aftermath -satellite pictures show us how Baghdad relies on a very large
central water processing facility. Here, the US had precisely targeted: a
detached electrical supply building. and a small service bridge (of no strategic
value) and the building, in a section that evidently housed the electrical
'mains.' At the front of the building there's an untouched grand entry promenade
with cars parked about, like visitors at a garden party. No damage was inflicted
in the bulk-reservoir itself. This strike showed pin-point accuracy in
accordance with the Geneva Accord, except for our use of the "illegal chemical
composites." Of course, we devastated the street, from there on down to the
second or third traffic light! ...OOPS, looks like we hit that radio tower and
took out those apartment buildings too.

(Code: Yellow)

"Mr. President, this is Not a Game, and it is Not Over Yet." See those REALLY
BIG spikes on the 9-11 seismographs? You guessed it: there's the "smoking gun."
Put on your jumpsuits Ensigns! With a few more Google searches we can
practically reel-em-in! First, we need to establish a few things which are
conveniently 'embedded' in the memories of so many innocent witnesses; -who saw
everything, consciously or not!

Both "9-11" and "Shock & Awe" looked like single-ordinance strikes from the
cockpits of our young "methamphetamine-induced" Airmen: "My God!" -cries the
Radar intern, witnessing a multi-colored burst. "Didn't that look a whole lot
like scalar interferometry?" He thinks, wishing he could show his former
Captain, who wouldn't know a 'phase conjugate wave' from a rainbow!

"911" ~ The Trifecta ~
(Code: BLUE)


In a final swoop before impact, the first plane behaved like a Boeing 727,
"spanning a gull-like curve with agility," unlike the larger plane it was
reported to be. The 'experts' concurred that each impact "appears to match
statistical standards," leaving no doubt both planes were "stock commercial
airlines,"-but simply traveling at top speeds. The spectacle alone initiated the
actual 'go'-command in an unstoppable process and deadly sequence that will
forever haunt visitors at this site.

"Pre-IGNITION." The horror is about to begin. The system contacts any number of
devices via 'com-links.' A (UNIX) server identifies all reporting and
non-reporting units. It proceeds with an appropriate 'sequential-reply.'
Simultaneous processing would allow real-time continual load-revisions as data
accumulates, right up to the final pre-ordained 'last-chance'-marker before the
final-'Ignition.' As seen from Building #7; all systems were -go; "as soon as
the Black smoke engulfed the upper floors."

Throughout Tower One, the 'back door coupling' effect gets underway as
low-power devices begin their required sequential 'priming' operation. A
low-frequency 'vircator' causes disruption at the sub-foundation level. {They
reported: "the foundation walls had moved by 1/2", and more."} These created
'electrical standing waves,' which couple to generate a resonant excitation in
one contiguous harmonic envelope. Note closely that Tower #2 did 'vibrate' well
before #1 achieved critical mass. We see a sea-saw like wave transition
ultimately resonating throughout both buildings, up to the instant of the
free-fall of building #1.

Deriving all available power from the A/C Mains, each high-frequency vircator
begins with a high-power spark-gap switching sequence, possibly sending its
entire [~100.MWatt] 'jolt' throughout the circuitry; otherwise known as a pretty
safe office building! *The lower frequency is set to the envelope's acoustical
'null' function, which, maximizing on the 'equidistant spacing model' and the
'ultra-fragile shell structure,' provides the power function for your equations.
Loud 'Sound' as it was discharged from the basement, inherently flows into the
negative source-charge, disguising itself in the impending vacuum. So, In a
three-step process, the building assumes a fully "gaussian" state.

Floor-by-floor, each 'detached-flux compression device' may have operated in a
highly combustible ionic environment, with special pre-ignition needs of its
own. Out comes the invisible flashing (lithium, thorium, niobium?)-gas in the
stairwells. A dynamic reaction creates an 'implosive' pressure which collapses
the cores. The vacuum causes each detached riser to be drawn to its neighbor.
'Pop' goes the rivet that loosely held the steel truss to each external cast
aluminum shell. Everything tumbles-down in perfect harmony.

Meanwhile: As "random Fires" began in Building #7, "a critical sequential
order" was meant to be precisely followed under an 'else-fail' -systems order.
They couldn't have any bombs going off at random. Knowing the weight of that
issue, "a group of people" initiated the demolition. Mr. Silverstein explains:
"At which time, He, and the NYFD, came to the 'conclusive agreement' to go ahead
and 'pull' the building." With no evidence of structural damages, there was no
palatable excuse for these actions whatsoever!

*Igniting the Main EMG(s), directly created the intense spike on the
seismographs. This caused the base of the main cores to give way. And, it
follows that we should have principally 'felt' the blast from the core charge,
and 'heard' the blasts from the ascending upper floors. How do Military
Engineers think this all adds up? Can all this not be done remotely, exclusively
by using 'Tesla's waves?'

"The fundamental principle is that a conductor moving through a magnetic field
will produce an electrical current transverse to the direction of the field and
the conductor motion. In an explosive or propellant driven MHD device, the
conductor is a plasma of ionized explosive or propellant gas, which travels
through the magnetic field. Current is collected by electrodes which are in
contact with the plasma jet .

The connection between the field and its source has always been and still is the
most difficult problem in classical and quantum electrodynamics.

The fields arise and spread outward from the charge in all radial directions at
light speed, from the moment of creation or separation of the charge. Hence the
charge continuously emits real, observable photons in all directions, in motion
at light speed and pouring outward.

This steady outpouring of observable photons establishes and continuously
replenishes the associated static fields and potentials, expanding outward at
light speed. Hence all static EM fields are actually steady state dynamic energy
flows. The meaning is; sameness from moment to moment by continual replacement
of all moving parts."

So, the hollow vertical structural 'cores' became like giant magnets? Heady
stuff, even to an 'Art student.' But, "Controlled Demolition" knows exactly what
works, as do the consulting engineers, the architects and the builder! In the
space of our suspended disbelief, all that was lacking to achieve the total
particulate destruction of Towers One and Two, was a full understanding of the
dynamic chemical relationship between the available materials. Whether
traditionally 'primed,' and accelerated by rapid ionization, or through
'planted' chemical pellets installed at the time of the truss-reinforcing, the
charges were arranged to maximize the power of the static differentials, as
everything shattered, operating within a confined envelope, therefore guaranteed
to create an electromechanical chain-reaction far exceeding any bomb!

Don't you suppose they should interview 'Adam Brown,' the Plumbing
Superintendent, who thought it "was kinda weird" when those guys added another
entirely new sprinkler-system, back in '97! Maybe it was those damn purple
'hospital lamps' in all the stair-wells? How about all those 'motion-sensors'
supposedly for redundancy, but which never worked! Any suspicious phone & paging
antenna? Double handrails? Brand new 3 "water-pies? Horn-shaped paging speakers?
Think, people: WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Whatever devices caused these
buildings to fall, were probably newly installed sometime AFTER the Spring of
1989, as I have reported to the 9-11 commission.

Having no more evidence than a few video "training tapes," and a handful of
"planted Passports," this President has recklessly plundered our Nation into two
Wars of unwarranted aggression. Bearing just result, both He, and Vice President
Dick Cheney, have been charged with impeachable offenses! No President, or his
advisors, have so completely deceived our Nation in a fraudulent pursuit of
justice. I believe we have but ONE real "intelligence failure" left to address.
Nothing will suffice now, until America hears 'live public testimony' from the
real intelligence specialists, at: SRS, EADS, Thales, Boeing, Northrop, MIT, the
FBI, and America's most suspicious confident of all: the CIA!

Where is that body of information, titled: "WTC De-commissioning Plan," which
had been confiscated by members of the US Secret Services, in May, of 1989, as
I had so witnessed, and reported to you, in May, of 2003?

Finally, a reflexive question for you, Commissioner Keane. Shall we simply
forget about your services at "Arbusto," when you were faced with bankruptcy,
back in 1992. Must we assume that "Delta Oil's" balance-sheet was square with
the Bin Laden Family, way before 'Usama' decided he wasn't interested in playing
ball with George Bush & Co? Should we just pretend that the Taliban's 60%
reduction in the world's heroin supply wasn't disturbing the Mafia's
supply-chain in the least? To gracefully acquiesce that Saudi
shareholder-swindle during your tenure at "BCCI," could not have Possibly
involved anything that should reflect on you, or your 'entitlement' to serve as
the Director of this fine committee?

Please accept my personal, and very 'public' testimony, herein demanding a
retraction to your findings, which stated that: "the Architect and Engineers of
Record were uncooperative in releasing proper documentation to FEMA." That
statement is patently false.

-T.S. Gordon

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