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Another Day in the Empire
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Daniel Pipes and the Danish Cartoon “Conspiracy”

By Administrator on Uncategorized

“There’s a conspiracy theory developing about myself and Flemming Rose, the Jyllands-Posten cultural editor who published the famous twelve cartoons of the Muslim prophet,” Straussian neocon and Islamophobe ne plus ultra Daniel Pipes informs us on his blog. According to Pipes, who is about as tolerant of Muslims as Ahmadinejad is of Jews, Rose decided to publish the offensive cartoons after visiting Pipes. “Flemming Rose and I have not written, spoken, or seen each other since that one meeting. I had nothing to do with the decision to commission or publish the cartoons eleven months later and only learned of their existence from press coverage of them.”

In fact, the original article mentioning Pipes in relation to Rose, written by Christopher Bollyn of the American Free Press, does not say that Pipes was involved in the decision to publish the now infamous cartoons; the article simply mentions that Rose traveled to America to interview Pipes. In typical disingenuous neocon fashion, Pipes alleges a “conspiracy theory” but refuses to cite or quote Bollyn’s article.

Indeed, the xenophobe Pipes may have not played a direct role in the Danish cartoon fiasco, however we can assume he is tickled pink about the outcome, as are his Straussian neocon associates Michael Ledeen, Frank Gaffney, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, Michael Rubin, David Wurmser, and all the other “clash of civilizations” warmongering fanatics who should be arrested and locked up immediately before they conspire to invade more small defenseless countries and kill another 250,000 innocent people.

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