-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Bill Douglas another criminal spook
Date:   Thu, 15 Jun 2006 19:35:14 -0700 (PDT)
From:   Nico Haupt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     Gerard Holmgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 

(ed: David Ray Griffin removed on request)
WING TV added, since they will present next week their own "poll" on 
useful idiots and shills. Original letter to them added below....)

Dirty Laundry time continues against the 9/11 truthlings and Chicago 
conference reptiles?

NP for me..

Since i turned into one of the most isolated 9/11 researchers by now, 
i spoke out as one of the first on this cointel-pro pattern, let's see
what we have on Bill Douglas:

-Blackmailing us into changing a message of our 9/11 Banner at 
because some fundings got somehow directed from Kentucky

-backstabbing me as a co-founder of ny911truth.org, by hooking up
with Nic Levis and other frauds, spook assets or war criminals who 
infiltrated my group and continued to block "controlled demolition" 
research for at least one more year....

[911truthalliance] Re: Kyle Hence's research achievements
Let's decipher Kyle Hence's latest drivel:

"...further attack from an ignorant Holmgren in Australia..."

Racist slur. What has the fact of Holmgren being in Australia
to do with your argument?

"....My work on a variety of issues has been acknowledged, cited, credited,
thanked etc. by a number of authors who have written and researched what
happened on 9/11...."

Which doesn't make your 'work' more valuable or honest,
because you received your credits from other Limited Hangouters

Limited Hangouter
t.b.d. (xplains by itself)

"...These books on the subject of 9/11 include Ruppert's
/Crossing the Rubicon..."

Ruppert is a spook asset and the biggest scammers of this movement
as meanwhile every idiot knows. That is nothing worth.
He always pushed disinfo and limited hangout at same time.

"...Griffin's /The New Pearl Harbor/..."

Griffin is a noble man who tried to be kind to get an introduction into
this movement.
I'm sure he won't mention you in his forthcoming 3rd book.

"....Ahmed's /The War on

A hardlinee 9/11 truthling, so called timeliner and supporter
of official story, wouldn't wonder if on payroll of MI5 but
it doesn't matter. He's also pushing the AQ myth and lies.

He stole the words 'history' and 'research'.

"...The Big Wedding/ by Sander Hicks..."

A "candidate" is everyone who still believes or pretends to believe in 
democracy within the U.S.
In the worst scenario he is an "e-voting activist", which ignores strong 
ties between the Pentagon, private military contractors and the e-voting 
An e-voting activist is talking instead 24/7 about Diebold, "paper" and 

"....While I concede I have not published a tremendous amount of original
research myself..."

We know that already. It was ZERO.

"...I have compiled a lot of material from a variety of
sources on unansweredquestions.org and at 911citizenswatch.org since
June of 2002...."

All limited hangout stuff.

"...I did extensive research on 'insider trading' and
suspicious financial activity surrounding the attacks..."

Which is a red herring and represents the limited hangout of 'prior 
What also about the 9/11 FBI Insider Trading, always blocked by Ruppert.
Why, because Ruppert said so?? This was even reported in NY TIMES during 
May 2003
and the suspects got arrested and evicted.

maybe because the brother of one suspect worked at Ruppert's darling 
Cynthia McKinney,
as a mole???

"...published in Global Outlook in 2002...."

Yes, a once great magazine before Ian Woods tricked Chussodowski
out of the contract and filled it with peak oil BS.

"....I've written open letters including one to Richard Clarke...."

A "clark" is a limited hangouter, planted into the leftgatekeeper species
to create a new false hope guru.
The first "Clarks" had been developed by Richard Clarke and Amy Goodman.
The Clarks are occasionally in cohut with spooks like Ray Mcovern or
other wannabee 9/11 truthlings.

the issue of war games..."

A "wargamer" is someone who read too many Mike Ruppert articles.
Very often "wargamers" end up as "peak oil fanatics" or start talking 
about "global warming" or "alternative energy".
They also usually believe in every newsletter of Wayne Madsen (see 
The 'wargamers' originally hooked up with the spinners and plagiarized 
the 'terror drill + wargames research' by ewing2001, to turn it into a 
limited hangout.
NOTE: In some bizarre coincidences, many 'soft wargamers' became members 
of the GNN community and started to listen to hip hop tracks.

"....I've confronted
Commissioners personally and repeatedly on a number of issues during the
course of Commission hearings..."

On which issues? issues which are not worth to explain to us here,
because they had been in reality non issues and other limited hangout 

"...I've also attended
NIST PR events and raised issues with those subscribing to the official

I never saw you over there. But i missed one event. I recall you hung out at
their first event. From that time on you never showed up again, while i 
got my questions on camera and sometimes even non -censored.

9/11 Truthlings do not know what they represent because they're
victims of the first wave of brainwash aparatus.

Now we have the 2nd or 3rd generation, which are even worse and more 
brainwashed, because
already behaving like a cult around anything and nothing, while
the real 9/11 perps still get away with it.

Hence is responsible for 9/11 truthling zombies like Jonathan Gold.
At least hence had more IQ to get some logical debate going on, bute 
beware of the 2006....

*"9/11 Truthling Community Guide"*
*UQs aka Unanswered Questions*
"Unanswered Questions" is a bizarre and also one of the oldest,
very dangerous species in 9/11 truthling land,
which tried to survive throughout the whole 9/11 truthling evolution 
since 2001/02.

The UQs operate like parasites within many truthlings to behave like a 
host of the truthlings.
The only purpose of the UQs is to contact the 9/11 truthlings to make sure,
that none of any of their questions EVER get answered at all.
The UQs was once a very popular 9/11 "ueber-tribe"
led by Kyle "America isn't ready for the truth" Hence, but then
somehow dried out and successfully beaten by other 9/11 truthling tribes.

Then during 2005/06 the UQs recovered with a new 9/11 truthling leader 
named Jonathan Gold.
The UQs once again insisted, that it is not of their "business" to find 
any answers,
but ask a lot of questions, until everyone fells
asleep or is infected with the 'limited hangout' worm.
While Gold insists he is not genetically connected with Hence
and only 'spoke with him once or twice', it is
apparently the virus of the "Jersey Girls", close to Hence,
who convinced Gold to take over the UQs, especially if
they have someting to do with the Limited Hangouts (->),
or a very nasty sub tribe called "Able Danger Limited Hangouters".
These ADL Hangouters claim they have even more unanswered questions than 
the UQs.
Unfortunately for everyone of these UQs, most of these "other questions" 
are also already answered.

However during 2005/06 the 'Unanswered Questions' desperately still try
to dominate other 9/11truthlings by asking the same old questions from 
or developed allegedly new questions, however ALSO already answered.
The "unanswered questions" are infected with some very persistent 
truthling virus
and there isn't any effective vaccine against them yet.

Though infected and poisoned, the UQs also never seem to die
which turned them meanwhile into a kind of superior 'truthling zombies'.
The grandfather of these "unanswered questions" is an obscure student 
called MalcontentX,
somehow implying with his nickname that he was the only UQ who ever made 
some sense.

Addendum: Some spooks (->) actually tried to deceive the UQs
with some clear answers, among them Karl Schwarz.
However the old leader and hardline questioner of the UQs, Kyle Hence,
once himself deceived by a spook into the 9/11 truthling movement,
fought bitterly against Schwarz until both became meaningless, but the 
questions remained.

It can be expected, that UQ's new leader Jonathan Gold
also very soon will be confronted by another yet unknown spook.

9/11 truthling specialists predict that these 'Gold-spooks'
might sit in the Pentagon and will be very close to the Able Danger 
limited hangouters.
Maybe Gold will be even turned into a "candidate" (->) to lead some 
for a while or some other bizarre crossover experiments with other 
community tribes are planned...
Rumour also has it that the UQs will start another season
of their once very popular 9/11-"REALITY TV" show called "C|Span".

Addendum 2: Jon Gold doesnt want to talk about Controlled Demolition.
He wants to let others talk for him, which suggests that he might be a 
"sucker" (->), especially played by the ADL UQs.
Gold instead talks frequently about the pentagon, to tell others NOT to 
talk about it.
Gold also appeared to have been very happy
when the new penta art frames produced many new so callled 'unanswered 
questions' and declared this as a "historical day".
(Here is a fascinating 'interview' between UQ Jonathan Gold and AD 
limited hangouter and perp Keith Phucas (Times Herald),
which shows that noone of both is winning any argument.
More fascinating, they're both asking /these/ questions, which lead to 
many new questions.
Even their voices and 'truth healings' are barely too distinguish.
Gold is the one who is slurping his coffee.


and the most
important smoking gun, 9/11 TV Fakery is still mostly ignored, sabotage
or attacked with hostility and death threats in this movement about 

*/Gerard Holmgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    Ah yes, my old mate Bill Douglas, who supported Hence in the view
    that victims families must not be exposed to any research suggesting
    govt complicity.
    I have the correspondence for that too.
    I wrote to BD, expecting him to be at least disturbed by Hence’s
    actions, but he supported them fully saying that �no such research
    was to be made available to the victims families, and his main worry
    was that I might attack Hence in public for the blocking policy –
    now that I had finally found out about it.
    Bill Douglas who cracked the whip over everyone to support that BS
    about Vreeland. �Bill Douglas who acted as round up boy for CIA
    plant Ruppert.
    These three – Dougals, Hence and Ruppert, IMO are the three
    pivotal spooks who did us over. They �subverted and distracted the
    good intentions and na�ve trust of hundreds, maybe thousands of
    well intended people. They spread disinfo and attacked and
    distroterd good research. I gradually wised up to them over time,
    breaking the last links in Nov 2003. Some people took longer. Some
    still haven’t caught on.
    These are the three who worked tirelessly to soak up all that early
    energy and direct it somewhere harmless.
    Well done you three. An excellent job.
    And now we have Kyle “Demolition” Hence coming out of the
    woodwork to attack the next wave of evidence, the no planes evidence.
    BTW Kyle, I didn’t quite catch that link for your earliest writing
    where you called a demolition.
    Come on �Out with it. Surely you wish to flaunt in front of us the
    date at which you became a hero.
    *From:* Nico Haupt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    *Sent:* Friday, 16 June 2006 11:44 AM
    *Subject:* Re: [911truthalliance] Back to my hermit house

    what the f**k are you talking about?

    Almost 1.5 years i had the first weekly U.S. Television show here in NYC
    on 9/11 ("ShadowGovernment TV), on public access and we aired 3 seasons.

    Guess, who blocked the "silly idea"? Kyle Hence.

    And then almost 2 years when i had another weekly TV show, INN World
    once again Kyle Hence and co. tried to dictate the content when i
    had to go through him to reach to the 9/11 victims, instead later
    got Sibel Edmonds and other phoney BS.

    I never ever considered doing TV as being a 'hero'.
    I did that almost my whole life,
    for either independent, mainstream or crossover genres.

    It was the most logical thing to do right after 9/11, including
    which even took 3, 4 more years until 911blogger.com and Co. catched
    up on this too.

    Also, i had my own minutes on C|Span, often censored after the first
    plus other international channels.

    Still that i am not considering being a hero. I guess, this word
    does more fit respected researchers, who worked their asses off,
    including scientific researchers, once again blocked by Hence,
    911truth.org for almost 3 YEARS!!

    TV- Dangerous?

    LOL, not when it is a scripted limited hangout show a la
    Hence/Schecter :)

    > >>>>
    Just for the record, Kyle Hence is a hero who stood before the
    powers that be
    time and time again on national television at a time, when I think
    most of us
    felt that was a very dangerous thing to do. We owe Kyle Hence a
    great deal.

    Bill Douglas
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Letter to WING TV:
Wed, 14 Jun 2006 22:58:51 -0700 (PDT)
For WING TV's "credibility poll"

dear everyone including 'haterz' and blindlings :),

 From day to day WING TV claims, that they're apparently the only 
alternative media portal left, who's spreading nothing but the complete, 
uncensored truth, to speak with their words:

"no more illusions"

But the sad reality is, that WING TV, though doing remarkable exposes on
Jeff Rense, DBS, Alex Jones and others, i am still waiting for their own 
reality check on themselves.

While undoubtly having their hearts more on the right spot than many 
others, what 'constructive patriotism' depends, fighting against many 
other phoney gatekeepers, they're showing the same arrogance by denying 
their own trap of not addressing the media matrix from 9/11.

Tons of evidence meanwhile exists that W-ABC7 showed us a fake plane on 
the morning of Sep11th (this footage itself is also in conflict with 
other NON-footage), but WING TV still has a blind eye.

Today they talked about the analogy of this guy (they called a "mark", a 
"sucker"), who believed that "wrestling" is real, then realized one day 
that he's victim of a scam and never watched it again.

Well, WING TV still does believe in the wrestling show from Sep11th.
Black blurbs, conflicting camera perspectives, yet the fake plane always 
comes from the same side, never shrinks or grows, even if a zoom is 
involved and violates dozens of physical laws when buttering in NON-live 
footage into the south tower.

However, self-declared scientists WING TV (who did great on controlled 
demolitions) still allows these violations on the South Tower.

That's why WING TV, with all respect to their fight in the past for the 
'truth' (what is this??), are the same "suckers" and "marks" they 
allegedly fight.

And now they want to have a credibility polls on the biggest 'shill' in 
this 9/11 "truthling" movement or its asssociated 'patriot movement' 
(what is this??).?

Sure, they have the right to do that.

But when perspective of reality is already part of the censorship, what 
kind of results we will expect??

We know already, that rense is a fraud, alex jones a half-truther and 
DBS most likely an idiot, furthermore ghostwritten by Eric Hufschmid.

But there is hope. Thinktanks will decide about the future, even after 
China, Russia and U.S. will start their world war against each other and 
the wannabee truth(lings) will stop to bubble and drivel, because 
finally revealed as well.

And that's why i want this poll now for everyone.
let's rank all of us each other. let's reveal that noone believe in the 
hipocrisy of 'unity' anymore anyway. Let's show the flagwavers how 
ignorant this 9/11 truth movement really is.

Let's see if 911truth.org and their Chicago reptiles really will 
organize a rally at GROUND ZERO on Sep11th (if it's not too late anyway)

because if not, then we can finally put them on the war criminal list 
for the future.

And if the US Government will declare that Controlled Demolition was 
done by Al-Quaeda, let's see who will whine loudest :)

Here below are my poll rankings for WING TV.

If they have the guts they can read my letter next week in full length 
in their show. But since they're obsessed with their own censorship 
button, they might prefer to belittle my personality.

Make no mistake.

IF there will be a 5th anniversary protest at GZ, i have no problem to 
stand side by side with WING TV. After all everyone of us lived 
constantly through "alliances on demand. Noone was perfect. And 
cyberfights are still allowed.

On 9/11/06 our differences and disagreements will be interrupted for the 
fight against fascism, too late or not to late.

(Russia-NATO missile defense exercise during September/October, also
"...*At the end of September 2006, the Joint Functional Component 
Command for Space and Global Strike is scheduled to achieve Full 
Operational Capability (FOC)..."*

Currently U.S. Congress is debating to approve TRIDENT II)

That is what always counted most...

the numbers are in:

Nico Haupt aka ewing2001's picks:

Biggest Frauds in Alternative Media and Activists Groups:

Amy Goodman/DemocracyNow!/Ford Foundation
United for Peace
Z Mag
Truthout.org/Marc Ash/William Rivers Pitt
Mediachannel.org/Daniel Schecter
Skinner of democraticunderground.com
Jeff Rense and many more of GCN
Take Back the media
GNN, Human Rights Watch, George Soros etc...
Mother Jones
Michael Moore
Air America Radio
Village Voice
Helen Thomas
Molly Ivins
and tons of more...

Biggest Dececption- or limited hangout artists in '9/11 Truth Movement':

9/11 Truthlings

btw, for me the 'nowadays *sucker'* is

"...sny "9/11 truthling" who's sucking up to any self declared
9/11 truthling spokesperson or orwellian activist leader.
The suckers let the orwellian 'spokespersons' think and speak for them..."

Biggest con artists, moles, plants, frauds, liers or shills
in '9/11 Truth Movement':

Mike Ruppert
Karl Schwarz
David Kubiak
Mike Berger

Biggest Infiltration Cult-Intel front within '9/11 Truth Movement':

URANTIA and their affiliates "Circle of Life-Mastery 

Biggest Infiltrated Internet Community Portals:

from *Internet Portal Community Watch 

Planehugger of the year (2006*) *so far

1 Jonathan Gold (bbsucks.com/blogger brigade 911blogger.com)
2 911truth.org
3 Alex Jones
5 J.Austin
7 San Diego 9/11 Truth
8 Eric Hufschmid
9 Jim Fetzer
10 Mark Bilk

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