> In additional I believe the the new film that is being so highly
> touted "From Freedom to Fascism" is also a distraction from the cause
> of getting questions about 9/11 treated as the most urgent activity
> that must happen in the US now.
Freedom to Fascism does not mention 911 even once.
It doesn't have to.
911 Stands in the Background breathing heavy through every scene.

 From Freedom to Fascism is a movie everybody can stand behind.
It's a deadly serious movie that makes you laugh.
If we can make it a number one hit, a movie sensation with people 
camping out in line and lines around the block, if we can knock the Tom 
Cruise or whoever Illuminati Message Movie of the Week out of the top 
spot, we will have spoken in the only language Hollywood understands: 

Bill Giltner wrote:
> I'm not sure that this is the place to express some thoughts only
> partially related to AJ, but this is what's on my mind:
> I think AJ is hurting the cause to get out the truth. I think Eric
> Hufschmid is hurting the cause of truth. I think Jack Blood is
> hurting the cause of truth.
> I admit that my mind is somewhat influenced by the way Jones has
> treated Wingtv.net, and wingtv's points criticism of GCN.
> Without going on a tangent, here's my specific gripe with Terror Storm.
> In discussing the crime of 9/11, when one starts adding more and more
> history lessons, more and more charges that this is all part of the
> NWO, I submit that all the hype of history, conspiracy, and grand
> schemes tends to push people away from opening their eyes to the basic
> need to deal with 9/11.
> This is especially true for those people who are not familiar with
> books such as David Ray Griffin's.
> It's a free country, and I'm not saying anybody (of the names
> mentioned above) is intentionally saboteuring.
> In additional I believe the the new film that is being so highly
> touted "From Freedom to Fascism" is also a distraction from the cause
> of getting questions about 9/11 treated as the most urgent activity
> that must happen in the US now.
> --- In political-research@yahoogroups.com 
> <mailto:political-research%40yahoogroups.com>, Sean McBride
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/954 
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/infowarsnews/message/954>>
> >
> > The long-awaited arrival of Alex Jones' latest trend-setting
> documentary has arrived! TerrorStorm delivers a powerful sucker punch
> to the architects of global terrorism and how they stage false-flag
> events to achieve political and sociological ends.
> >
> >
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