Whether Gerard Holmgren is a Rupert Murdoch COINTELPRO op or not doesn't matter -- the fact is that he behaves as if he were one.  He expends much more energy in attacking the most effective voices in the 9/11 truth movement than in going after the parties that were probably behind 9/11 -- classic COINTELPRO.  Holmgren and anyone associated with him should simply be ignored.
Great post, by the way -- a strategic communication.  It surprises me that it is taking bright people like Stephen Jones so long to figure out Holmgren -- but they are gradually catching on.
There might be something to some aspects of the no-planes theory -- maybe.  But the no-planers are undercutting themselves by their fanaticism.

better_off_said <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Forgot option: f. "D'oh!" (I'm an idiot.)

The email from which I was forwarding is not registered with this
group, which is why they didn't go through, so I'm copying and
pasting the email.

BTW, I left in the lengthy CC list so you can see who receives these
emails (you'll probably recognize a lot more than I). But it's just
a lot of flame wars and "take me off the list" emails, nothing
productive really.


From : Steve Jones <hardevidence@gmail.com>
Sent : July 27, 2006 6:31:04 PM
To : "Gerard Holmgren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net.au>
CC : "Rick Rajter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]edu>, "Nico Haupt"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Steven Jones"
<steven_jones@byu.edu>, "Russell Pickering"
<russellpickering@bresnan.net>, "Rosalee Grable"
catapultthepropagan[EMAIL PROTECTED]com, "Mark S Bilk"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Billy Ruane"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]std.com>, "9/11 Alex James"
<alexjames9999@nerdshack.com>, "9/11 Citizens Watch"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]ive.org>, "9/11 Don Stacey"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>, "9/11 Greg Szymanski"
<patriott2424@aol.com>, "9/11 Hal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "9/11 Jim
Marrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>, "9/11 John Doraemi"
<johndoraemi@yahoo.com>, "9/11 John Lee"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED].net>, "9/11 Laura Knight-Jadczyk"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "9/11 melvang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]dk>, "9/11
Pastor Mike Treis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "9/11 res wilson"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]org>, "9/11 Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "9/11
Taking Aim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>, "9/11 Wtcqd2000"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, 911insidejobbers@yahoogroups.com, "Alex
Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>, "Alex Floume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]con, angiesept11 <angiesept11@yahoo.com>, APFN
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, BarHonegger@aol.com, "Barry Chamish"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]net.il>, better_off_said
<IsntHappening@hotmail.com>, bluemoosefilms@hotmail.com,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]org, "brian mckenna"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED].com>, "Bruce Tanner"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>, "Carol Brouillet"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]org>, "Cathy Garger"
<savorsuccesslady@yahoo.com>, "civl ecco" <civileconomic@yahoo.com>,
webstertarpley@yahoo.com, "Wayne Madsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "w r"
<in_the_bluechair@yahoo.com>, "Veronica Chapman"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Ty Rauber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]org>, "Tim
Canale" <basement.dnai@rcn.com>, ThomasJMattingly@msn.com, "stu8340
Hawks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>, "Rob Newman"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED].net>, "Rick Siegel"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Richard Kane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Richard
Grove ((8th Estate Public Media))"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "President, USA Exile Govt." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
exile.org>, perpetualynquisitive
<perpetualynquisitiv[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Ozzy bin Oswald"
<hisholiness@rome.com>, "morgan reynolds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED].com>,
Monk <deedee.king@comcast.net>, missilegate@yahoogroups.com, "Mia
Hamel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]rr.com>, "mary titus"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, malaprop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Lynn Ertell"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]net>, "Lenny Bloom"
<cloak.dagger@gmail.com>, "Kevin Barrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Ken
Jenkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, "Jimmy Walter"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]org>, "Jackie Patru"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED].org>, "Geraldine Perry"
<healthadvantage@comcast.net>, "Fred Smart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>,
Fonebone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]com>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]com, "Dave Shaw"
<davisherenow@yahoo.com>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]mind.com,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]com, brianvernon@eircom.net,
revolutionCHL@yahoo.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED]com,
realityandfiction@yahoo.co.uk, [EMAIL PROTECTED]com,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]net, gianthaystack@hotmail.com,
<sisyphus1285@cs.com>, "Daryl Smith" <iamthewitness@hotmail.com>,
Subject : Re: Jones denies proof of demolition

| | | Inbox

This is just nuts! no wonder people stop saying anything to Gerard -
- it gets misconstrued, turned around!

No, no -- my comment was that at the time of my first public
discussion of my 9/11 research, which was a Sept. 2005 seminar
before faculty at BYU, I was not convinced that controlled
demolition was PROVEN -- at that time. I called for an

Now we have proceeded with an investigation, and the confluence of
data -- particularly but not limited to the thermate data I have
acquired -- prove compellingly that deliberate demolition did occur.

What -- can someone prove that I was convinced already in Sept 2005
that demolition was proven? Nuts!

Take me off the list. I seek for honest discussion, not
misconstruing my statements left and right.

STeven Jones

On 7/26/06, Gerard Holmgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]net.au> wrote:
So there we have it.

Our demolition hero, Steven Jones denies that any single one or any
combination of the following points proves demolition.

1. The free fall speed

2. That burning jet fuel cannot melt steel

3. That the original claim was that the steel melted, and after this
was ridiculed, the official story was changed and they now deny that
they ever claimed it.

4. The pulverization of the concrete.

5. That asymmetrical damage cannot cause a symmetrical collapse over
that distance.

6. That no steel framed skyscraper has ever before collapsed in such
a manner.

7.That there is no evidence of a hot fire

8. The resistance paradox - an even stronger proof than free fall by

9. The WTC squib footage.

So now it is on the record. Steven Jones allies himself with Eagar
et al in denying that these points prove a demolition. That for four
years we have all been talking bullshit and making exaggerated and
unsustainable claims.

Funny thing though.

Since this crap does not prove demolition in Jones' view it's rather
curious that these are what Jones chose to emphasize when making a
media star of himself.

How irresponsible ! Presenting unproven crap as the evidence !

For example, on the Tucker Carlson show, didn't he try to show the
WTC 7 footage, and make a big deal of not being able to show it ?
Why ? When it didn't prove anything !

And not only that. Check these claims on his behalf quoted and
referenced in my article

"Scholars for 911plagiarism and disinformation "

[[[[Their [the scholars ]*own physics research* (my emphasis) has
established that only controlled demolitions are consistent with the
near-gravity speed of fall and virtually symmetrical collapse of all
three of the WTC buildings. While turning concrete into very fine
dust, they fell straight-down into their own footprints. ]]

Hang on ! Three points which Jones just told us do *not* prove
demolition! And admitted to us were *not* [[ own physics research ]]

And it doesn't end there. Here are some extracts for the bullet
points of "their own physics research".

" the melting point of structural steel is 2,750 degrees Fahrenheit
and the temperature of jet fuel does not exceed 1,800 degrees."

Hang on didn't he just admit to us that this was *not* his [[own
physics research ]]? And that it does *not* prove demolition ?

" Building WTC7 collapsed in 6.6 seconds, which means, Jones says,
that the steel and concrete support had to be simply knocked out of
the way. "Explosive demolitions are like that," he said. "It doesn't
fit the model of the fire-induced pancake collapse."

Ditto !

" No steel-frame, high-rise buildings have ever before or since been
brought down due to fires. Temperatures due to fire don't get hot
enough for buildings to collapse, he says."

Ditto !

Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto and ditto !

And Bingo !

Folks, we just caught ourselves a spook. What shall we do with him ?


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