I just quickly scanned this thread and noticed that Lithos tried to associate 
and smear serious 9/11 research with crackpot conspiracy theories: clearly he 
is unqualified to moderate any substantive forum on 9/11, and his overall 
behavior raises suspicions about his political agenda.  He often appears to be 
in cahoots with a network of disrupters in the forum.  David Allen Skinner, who 
apparently is thoroughly ignorant about 99% of the high-quality 9/11 research, 
has provided the encouragement and license for these activities.  Skinner and 
Lithos are deliberately trying to sabotage the DU 9/11 forum.  So why is any 
serious 9/11 researcher bothering to deal with them at all, when they have made 
their intentions crystal clear?  DU has absolutely no influence over the 
discussion of these matters on the Internet as a whole -- if DU wants to make 
itself irrelevant on an issue as hugely important as 9/11, then let it.  No 
loss; no big deal.  The torrent will route around Skinner
 and Lithos, leaving them in the dust.
When asked about their views on the Iraq War, and whether any of them had 
strongly opposed the war back in 2003, not a single one of the anti-truthers 
dared to open his or her mouth.  Most of the anti-truthers seem to be operating 
in a mysterious vacuum, without context, in which they want to keep most of 
their political views well hidden.  Guess why.

tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:            Here's the link:


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