Don't mean to sound paranoid, but don't you guys find 
this latest "twist" just a little odd?  

File this under "M" for "Mother of All Coincidences, The":

Father-in-law of man with tuberculosis is TB researcher
By Coloradoan staff 

The father-in-law of Andrew a TB researcher for the 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Robert C. Cooksey is a research microbiologist in the CDC's 
tuberculosis elimination division. 


"I do work at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I have 
worked at the CDC for 32 years. I'm a research microbiologist in 
CDC's Division of Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination, and my work does 
involve working with a wide range of organisms, including TB. As a 
research microbiologist, my laboratory work involves identifying the 
characteristics and features of bacteria."


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