Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: "It may well be that
the key to bolstering Western resolve is another terrorist attack like
9/11 or the London transit bombings" via - Paying
Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News by Reprehensor on Jul 09,
"Lt.-Col. Doug Delaney, chair of the war studies program at the Royal
Military College in Kingston [Ontario]" says this about bolstering
morale for the "War on Terror", as reported by Andrew Chung of the
Toronto Star.

It may well be that the key to bolstering Western resolve is another
terrorist attack like 9/11 or the London transit bombings of two years
ago, he says.

Lt.-Col. Delaney, just remember what happened in Spain after the Madrid
bombings. Aznar's party was swept from office, installing the Spanish
Socialist Workers Party under Zapatero. The Madrid bombing bears many
of the signatures of a False Flag attack, Webster Tarpley discusses
some of them here. Your fellow Canadian, David MacGregor, refers to
these inspired incidents as Machiavellian State Terror.

False Flag attacks do not always have the desired effect... just sayin'.


Why military might does not always win

A new study suggests that involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan might be
doomed from the outset

"It may well be that the key to bolstering Western resolve is another
terrorist attack like 9/11 or the London transit bombings of two years

July 08, 2007
Andrew Chung
Staff Reporter
Toronto Star

Does this sound familiar? "A war with no visible payoff against an
opponent who poses no direct threat will come under increasing
criticism as battle casualties rise and economic costs escalate . . . "

It was written more than 30 years ago, after the end of the ill-fated
Vietnam War, in one of the first analyses of battles between states and
insurgents or guerrillas who are weak in military might but pumped up
on resolve. Experts call them asymmetrical wars.

But, of course, it could very well have been written today, about Iraq
- or about Afghanistan, where Canadian soldiers keep dying along dusty
roadsides, blown up in their armoured vehicles by improvised yet
powerful bombs. Six on Easter Sunday. Three more on June 20. Another
six last Wednesday.

The total number of casualties since Canada joined the Afghan mission
in 2001: 66 soldiers, plus one diplomat.

Criticism is increasing. Public sentiment about the war is primarily
negative, polls show. Politicians are ratcheting up their
opposition. "It's the wrong mission," NDP Leader Jack Layton argued
last week, insisting troops leave the war-ravaged country now. "It's
not working; it's not going to accomplish the goals."


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