
Is your opposition to ethnocentrism linked genetic factors? 

Sean McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  I read 
New Scientist, Science, Nature and Scientific American regularly, and my 
impression is that there is a major trend in the scientific world linking human 
behavior and personality traits with genetic factors.  You haven't noticed 
this?  Do you disagree?  This area of research could prove to be most 
revolutionary scientific movement in human history to date.

If genetic factors play an important role in influencing ethnic conflicts and 
wars, shouldn't we try to figure this out?  I am especially curious to know why 
some people seem to be much more ethnocentric in their outlook on the world 
than others -- there is something obsessive-compulsive about their behavior 
which suggests a genetic origin.  I wouldn't be the least surprised if 
scientists discover a human xenophobia gene, or a complex of genes which 
produce personality traits like tribalism and xenophobia.

(One can use content analysis to measure the relative ethnocentrism of  
individuals and groups -- simply keep track of how many times they mention 
their ethnic enemies.)

tigerbengalis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                             tim_howells_1000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:       

These are areas where the general public has moved far ahead of academia.  Most 
people are  very comfortable now with the idea that there are genetic and 
biological bases for human behavior, and accept this as established fact (quite 
appropriately in my view).  Not so in academia, where there are still howls of 
outrage over such ideas.  Much of the outrage over MacDonald's work is par for 
the course for anyone who accepts these simple facts of life.
 The reason for this major disconnect is obvious.  If you follow through with 
these ideas what seems to emerge is a biological and evolutionary basis for 
tribalism, ethnocentrism, and racism.  Everyone thinks immediately of Nazi 
Germany and the gas chambers, and thinks that we are moving perilously close to 
a scientific justification.  Very understandable that the mind would just shut 
down at that point!
 Tim Howells

More examples of Tim's demagoguery. Why would I give a hoot is the "general 
public"  accepts genetic theories of human behavior or not? These are issues of 
science, not public opinion. Quite a few million people believe the Apocalypse 
will occur, as written. Should this be given equal time in cosmology journals?

Tim, you give away your pseudoscientific propagandizing when you say "If you 
follow through with these ideas what seems to emerge is a biological  and 
evolutionary basis for tribalism, ethnocentrism, and racism." Hence, you posit 
that we should take an unproven theory--whether Macdonald's, Jensens, 
Rushton's--and then conduct an imaginary "follow through" (read: without an 
iota of experimental verification) and POOF! what "emerges" is a "biological 
and evolutionary basis" fo0r the same unsupported pseudotheory you posited in 
the first place! 
Thats a tasty pretzel!


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