Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Right-Zionists try to
Silence Walt at the University of Montana via Informed Comment by Juan
Cole on 9/17/07
Richard Drake, chair of the History Department at the University of
Montana, describes what it is like to invite Stephen Walt, a respected
political scientist at Harvard University and author of a best-selling
book on the Israel lobby, to lecture on campus. The techniques of
smearing and pressure politics deployed against his appearance can only
be described as a form of Zionist-fascism (whether deriving from
Christian Zionists or Jewish ones), which is a much more potent danger
to open intellectual inquiry in the United States than is usually

See also Elliot Colla's article at the Chronicle of Higher Education on
how the Likudnik "David Project" and a Hillel Center rabbi attempted to
interfere with the holding of a conference on threats to academic
freedom, held at Brown University last May!

I hope academics all around the country will step up to thwart this
dangerous attempt at silencing views not approved by the Right-Zionists
(i.e. people who would vote for Bibi Netanyahu if they lived in Israel,
and who think they have the right to decide who the chair of the
history department at the University of Montana should be and who that
chair can invite to speak on campus).

And see George Bisharat's Op-ed in the Baltimore Sun: "Two hundred
thousand Palestinian children began school in the Gaza Strip this month
without a full complement of textbooks. Why? Because Israel, which
maintains a stranglehold over this small strip of land along the
Mediterranean even after withdrawing its settlers from there in 2005,
considers paper, ink and binding materials not to be "fundamental
humanitarian needs."

Gaza is the worst outcome of Western colonialism anywhere in the world
outside the Belgian Congo.

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