Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Michigan resumes
distribution of Kovel book, Overcoming Zionism via MuzzleWatch by
Cecilie Surasky on 9/17/07
Inside Higher Education reported that the University of Michigan Press
announced that it would resume distribution of Bard professor Joel
Kovel's book, Overcoming Zionism, but will re-examine its relationship
with the book's left-wing publisher Pluto Press:

In a statement released by the university, the press Executive Board (a
faculty body) said that while it "has deep reservations about
Overcoming Zionism, it would be a blow against free speech to remove
the book from distribution on that basis. We conclude that we should
not fail to honor our distribution agreement based on our reservations
about the content of a single book."

The statement continued: "Such a course raises both First Amendment
issues and concerns about the appearance of censorship. As members of
the university community dedicated to academic freedom and open debate
among differing views, the Executive Board stands firmly for freedom of
expression, and against even the appearance of censorship. In this
instance, both legal and value considerations lead us to the decision
to resume distribution of the book."

At the same time, the board tried to distance itself from the book and
its publisher. "Had the manuscript gone through the standard review
process used by the University of Michigan Press, the board would not
have recommended publication. But the arrangement with Pluto Press is
for distribution only; the UM Press never intended to review
individually every title published by Pluto (or any other press for
which it holds distribution rights). By resuming distribution, the
board in no way endorses the content of the book."

In addition, the board announced that Pluto's decision to publish
Overcoming Zionism "brings into question the viability of UM Press's
distribution agreement with Pluto Press. The board intends to look into
these matters and decide, later this fall, whether the distribution
contract with Pluto Press should be continued."

The decision prompted Pluto Press chairman Roger van Zwanenberg to say:

...that he found the statements about the "deep reservations" on the book
and the questions about his press to be "less reassuring." And he
questioned whether these statements are consistent with academic

"These so called 'deep reservations', stem from what is acceptable
scholarship and what is unacceptable," he said. Tenure and academic
freedom should protect the tradition of "critical scholarship" and
assure that "unpopular scholarship can thrive," van Zwanenberg said.
Pluto has always worked within the "critical scholarship" framework, he
said, publishing Marxist and anarchist theorists, among others, and
such well known figures in American academe as Noam Chomsky.

The initial announcement that the University of Michigan Press decided
to cease distribution after a campaign initiated by the local chapter
of Standwithus prompted JewishConscience write Dr. Mark Braverman to
send U of M Press director Phil Pochoda this letter:

Dear Dr. Pochoda,

I was shocked to read your note to Joel Kovel and by your decision to
cease shipping Overcoming Zionism. What are you doing??? You are free
to disagree with Dr. Kovel's ideas and even with his style, but to
engage in de facto censorship - despite your apparent commitment to
free speech - I am frankly, to use your word, appalled. Dr. Kovel's
analysis is indeed radical in that he does not hold back or attempt to
strike a "balanced" position with respect to the sins of Zionism.
Indeed, his analysis is clearly intertwined with his Marxist
perspective. In that sense, he is, in fact, "on the barricades" in
seeing Zionism as inextricably involved in capitalism and its
connection to colonialism and economic imperialism. Surely you would
not act in this manner toward the work of a scholar because his or her
work was based on or informed by a political or philosophical
orientation with which you disagree or find distasteful.

As to your characterization of his "attack" on Zionism, I do not see
Dr. Kovel's book as vicious. I see it as an expression of his horror at
what Zionism has produced in modern-day Israel, and as the anguished
cry of a Jew who is deeply saddened by and outraged at what is being
done in his name. As another Jew who has read widely on the subject,
has lived in Israel, and has visited Israel and the Occupied
Territories in recent years, I feel that horror and that outrage, and
greatly appreciate that Dr. Kovel has applied his prodigious talents
and impressive intellect in undertaking the work represented by
Overcoming Zionism.

Dr. Pochoda, I wonder if you have visited the West Bank -- not under the
guidance of the Israeli government or its Jewish-American sponsors but
really visited, -- and seen the Occupation. If you have not, I would
respectfully ask that you withhold your indignation towards Dr. Kovel's
passionate and uncompromising critique until you have seen what we have
seen, and, as a Jew, felt what we have felt. Perhaps then your outrage
will be directed, not at Jews like Dr. Kovel who have undertaken to
witness and to protest, but at the defenders and implementers of
Israel's morally and legally indefensible policies toward the
indigenous people of Palestine.


Mark Braverman, Ph.D.

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