<http://uk.youtube.com/user/OzzybinOswald2>This one is worth downloading 
even on dialup.
It would be hard to express how we know they used cartoons any more simply.

South Tower TV Madness <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtWPyY8tIlg>


ThoughtCrime7 says:
"Four live shots of the South tower stike are analyzed in a 3D scale 
model. The CNN, CBS and ABC shots were broadcast live. The NBC clip is 
from the evening news.

(See "South Tower Anomalies III - Addressing the Debunkers" for more on 
the NBC shots.)

Camera position, rotation and lens length were simulated by comparing 
stills against the 3D models. Plane paths were approximated by aligning 
and matching 3 stills from each video.

The most glaring discepancy is between the CNN shot and the CBS shot. 
The CNN shot shows the plane impacting the Liberty Street wall, while 
the CBS shot shows an

impact on the West Street wall. One of them must be wrong. Or both?! 
Sorry, I only have questions.

Song "Conspiracy" by DJO.

Mess around with a 3D model of the towers here:


Try to find one camera position that works for all four shots. I'm 
pretty sure you won't find it.

This video is about news fakery, not the no-planes theory - draw your 
own conclusions.


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