Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Social Media Roundup:
Toluu, FriendFeed, and Twhirl Updates (4) via RSSmeme by Corvida on
Shared four times Tagged Friendfeed (153) Social Media (182) Toluu (21)
twhirl (42)

Services are updating like crazy this week! The new updates should keep
fans and users excited for the rest of the week and also help with user
productivity. Here’s a look at the recent changes from some of my
favorite services.
Toluu Adds More Tabs
Toluu, my favorite social RSS discovery service, has rolled out a very
complimentary update to the service. Previously, Toluu revamped the
activities page by adding more tabbed views. They also integrated
Twitter into the service. Now, when I add a feed, it’s also “tweeted”
on Twitter.

Today the service has added the tab interface to the Feed pages. Head
to the SheGeeks feed page on Toluu and you’ll see a tabs for the most
recent posts, popular posts, and Toluu subscribers.

According to the Toluu blog,

Also in this release we have added the greatly requested date stamps,
improved YouTube embed compatibility, improved the loading time of the
contacts page by roughly 5x, and fixed some bugs surrounding the
invitation page.

For more information on Toluu check out TheSocialGeeks podcast. If
you’d like to join Toluu, I have 115 Toluu invites. Just leave a
comment below to snag one.

More Discussions:
Toluu Adds More Features, Helps You Decide How to Subscribe
Toluu Just Got Better: New Feed Page Views and More!
Subscribe or Not? Toluu Just Got Better at Helping You Decide

FriendFeed Adds More Services
FriendFeed, a social aggregator and lifestreaming service, has also
added more features and fixes. In the past week the FriendFeed has
added rooms (or groups) and and personalized recommendations. Now the
service has added 5 more services to include in your lifestream:
Intense Debate, Brightkite, Diigo, Mister Wong, and Tipjoy.

Other updates include a FriendFeed feed revamp, highlighted comments of
those that you subscribe to, along with a host of other fixes and minor

Twhirl Ands More Support & Functionality
The latest update of Twhirl features a host of features that will help
out a ton when Twitter starts going wonkers on you without warning. For
Twitter, Twhirl has introduced auto throttling. This feature allows
Twhirl to automagically reduce your API requests per hour so that you
get less timeout errors.

You can also hide messages from previous sessions when you start a new
one, search via Summize, XMPP support, a new color theme (Orange Gray),
Twhirl status message updates, and more.

On the FriendFeed side of things there have been more drastic
improvements. I haven’t used Twhirl for FriendFeed since it’s second
update. I decided to give it a try this time around and can agree that
it’s much more stable. For one, the trash icon actually works. When I
click it, the entire screen goes blank. +1 for Twhirl! Other updates
include inline commenting, user information, a button to see more
comments inline, support for FriendFeed rooms, and better stability for
not killing your comment text when an update rolls in and you just so
happen to be in the middle of writing a comment.

More Discussions:
Twhirl Catches a Much-Needed Performance Update Twhirl Gets a Fresh
Coat of Paint

Roundup Completed
So there’s your roundup of the latest service updates. If you’re using
any of these services are you enjoying the updates so far?

For me, the Toluu update is impressive and as a subscriber stat addict,
I like knowing how many people are subscribing to my feed in Toluu. The
new views also provide ways for me to know what articles are popular
and find more feeds to subscribe to.

With FriendFeed, I can finally add my Diigo bookmarks to the service,
though I was hoping Toluu would be in there too. I also like the
highlighted comments from those that I subscribe to. It’s great for
pointing out others that may be of interest to me.

With Twhirl, what’s not to like about this update. It’s way more stable
and actually makes using Twitter a lot easier, especially when Twitter
is taking on too much. The most productive feature of the update has to
be the Twitter API usage icon. If you hover your mouse over this icon
you can see how many requests are currently allowed and how many
requests you’ve used up so far. It’s great for keeping track of when
you’re coming close to going over your limit.

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