
Have you bothered reading Richard Dolan, John Mack, Stanford Friedman and other 
reliable authors on UFOs? I especially recommend Dolan's UFOs and the National 
Security State -- it's chock-full of eyewitness and first-person reports from 
hundreds of highly reliable sources, many of them from the military.  When 
you've looked into this subject a bit, perhaps we can discuss it. In the 
meantime Stephen Greer enjoys the support of many more highly reliable sources 
for this thesis than Lindsey Williams does for his. In fact, no reliable source 
has stepped forward to support Williams, as far as I know.

Dolan's important book:

Are there any particular passages in the book which give you problems? Please 
provide the page numbers and explain in a rational way where you think Dolan 
got it wrong.

(Dolan, by the way, is much smarter than Williams and has a much better command 
of scholarly methods. I feel much more comfortable with his style of 
communication than with the preaching of Williams.)

I have some other sources on this subject which I can't name but which I trust. 
The subject is real. Most of the disinformation on UFOs is coming from parties 
that are trying to ridicule and censor the subject, not promote it.

Many thousands of UFO reports from all over the world from highly reliable 
sources for decades are building up a consistent picture of what the phenomenon 
is all about. Try data mining the reports.

mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             I must say 
that your analysis and conclusion demonstrate quite 
 conclusively to me that you are a few fries short of a happy meal.
 "The best rule is to follow the best data wherever it leads, and no 
 matter how strange it sounds."
 Okay, Sherlock, so you are telling me you do not understand the 
 disinformational nuance that a lie repeated often enough becomes 
 truth? You are absolutely ignorant of the use of propaganda and 
 psychological driving?
 Sorry, Sean, I guess we part company here. 
 'Cause your thinking is exactly like that of the idiots that got us 
 into Iraq in 2003. You would think that we would be swimming in hard 
 evidence of WMDs in Iraq. Hell! Colin Powell went to the friggin' UN 
 and said as much to the General Assemby; however, despite all the 
 fanfare and the tortured analysis, there were no WMDs - just like 
 there ain't no Peak Oil. 
 But I like your UFO angle - quite refreshing comic relief from a guy 
 with a limited sense of humor.
 --- In, Sean McBride 
 > Stephen Greer has many reliable sources to corroborate his claims; 
 Lindsey Williams has none. The best rule is to follow the best data 
 wherever it leads, and no matter how strange it sounds.
 > mark urban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             Quite 
 frankly, Sean, who gives a flying rat's ass about Steven Greer?
 >  When you lump Williams in with Greer, you tap into the silly ufo 
 >  angle which you have been setting up for the last week or so and 
 >  discredit williams by conjoining him with something easily 
 >  Why would you bring up UFOs at a time like this? To what end? What 
 >  the point?
 >  --- In, Sean McBride 
 >  <smcbride2@> wrote:
 >  >
 >  > Lindsey Williams, Stephen Greer. Who is more credible? Who has 
 >  > bigger story?
 >  > 
 >  > Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Doctor says feds 
 >  hiding
 >  > UFO energy secret via Disclosure Project Greer - Google Blog 
 >  by
 >  > unknown on 7/8/08 A doctor who thinks space aliens have the key 
 >  > unlimited alternative energy â€" but that the government is 
 >  a lid
 >  > on it â€" will speak in Denver on Wednesday night. Dr. Steven M. 
 >  Greer,
 >  > founder of The Disclosure Project, says wit. ...
 >  > Things you can do from here:
 >  > - Subscribe to Disclosure Project Greer - Google Blog Search 
 >  > Google Reader
 >  > - Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
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