Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: When Will the Press
Lift the Hood on the New Jewish Aristocracy? via Mondoweiss by Philip
Weiss on 7/15/08
Today's WSJ has a front-page piece on casino-king Sheldon Adelson
saying that the cash-strapped Republican Party is counting on him to
fund a lot of races. I can't get the whole piece online, I'm going to
go out and buy it. But apparently the Israel angle is prominent. I
wonder if they talk about his relations with Douglas Feith and One
Jerusalem, and other neocon extremists.

Of course Obama's biggest backers include members of
Chicago's "billionaire first families," both Jewish: the Pritzkers and
the Crowns. Here's a Tribune article about the "mammoth mansions" that
Penny Pritzker, Obama's finance director, and a member of the Crown
family are building right across the street from one another. James
Crown is said to be on Obama's team. He's my age and went to Hampshire
College, says Wikipedia. His father Lester chairs the Global Affairs
Council in Chicago, which banned/censored John Mearsheimer last year,
and has his tentacles [apologies; over the line] hands in at the
Council on Foreign Relations too. Lester is said to be hawkish on the
Middle East. The FEC reports that Lester Crown gives a lot of money to
Dems and so does son James, who supported Obama early and often (as
well as many other Dems). Scarily, father and son gave money to Joe
Lieberman after Ned Lamont knocked him off in the primary in
Connecticut. Lieberman is neoconnish. Where are the Crowns? In this
letter of January (reported in Aspen, where the Crowns are
aristocracy), Lester supports Obama as a stalwart on
Lester's "fundamental" issue, Israel; and calls for a two-state
solution, even as he signs up for a war on terror from Gaza to Tehran.

I see that Ryan Lizza's piece in the New Yorker on Obama's political
rise touches on the Pritzkers but doesn't mention the Crowns. Doesn't
really go near the Jewish angle. This Washington Post piece scants the
Israel angle, too. When is someone going to open the hood on the new
Jewish aristocracy and where all the sons and daughters are on Israel,
Jerusalem, the two-state solution, etc.?

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