Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Zionism Is an
Establishment Value via Mondoweiss by Philip Weiss on 8/28/08
I saw Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations on MSNBC last
night talking about foreign policy with Tom Brokaw and Obama adviser
Susan Rice. The Israel/Palestine issue was the subtext of much of the
conversation. Rice said that Obama would not put off action on I/P till
the second term. Haass said that the U.S. finds itself increasingly
alone in the world and the U.S.'s "Achilles heel" is its Middle East
policy--an apparent reference to Israel/Palestine.

This underscores my post of the other day that Zionism is an
Establishment value. No one here can tell the American people what the
rest of the world knows, that American policy is out of step. No one
can blast the settlements. Only the designated fringes are allowed to
do so (even liberal Meretz can't do so). Jimmy Carter and Walt and
Mearsheimer were banished for saying, The policy is wrong. Earlier this
year when I wrote about Zbig Brzezinski for the American Conservative,
he hastened to point out to me afterward that he had never endorsed
Walt and Mearsheimer's book (No, just their paper). Spineless. He is
afraid of being sidelined, like Rob Malley. Being defunded.

Haass can only say it is our Achilles heel, as if to say, This is part
of us--Nakedness is an essential element of the Emperor's new
clothes...Obama I think will change this.

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