Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Joe Biden and the
political establishment's overriding goal via Salon: Glenn Greenwald by
Glenn Greenwald on 8/24/08
(updated below - Update II)

Writing in a New York Times blog yesterday, Clinton pollster Mark Penn
hails the selection of Joe Biden as "a smart and successful choice" and
says this:From Al Gore on, the role of the vice president seems to have
fundamentally changed. It used to be where the winner parked the loser
or some other figure that he wanted to neutralize. Now, with the
centralization of government power in the White House, the vice
president has become essentially a Cabinet head. Indeed, the last two
vice presidents have had real portfolios and responsibilities, second
only to the president.That we live in a country characterized by "the
centralization of government power in the White House" -- exactly what
the Constitution was designed to prevent -- is now so self-evident that
it's not even debated or contested any longer. A virtually omnipotent
President is just an assumed fact of American political life, and the
reason that there is such a fixation on the personality and "character"
traits of the presidential candidates is because Our President is now,
in essence, our Emperor, empowered unilaterally to do everything from
attacking other countries to acting outside of and above the law. As
Penn's analysis illustrates, our political establishment isn't bothered
by that at all, but instead, just tacitly accepts it as the natural and
desired state of things.

That, among many other things, is what makes David Ignatius' column in
The Washington Post this morning so unbelievably absurd that it's hard
to believe it's not satire. Ignatius believes that one of the principal
problems in American politics is that Democratic Congressional leaders
are too partisan and belligerent and uncooperative, and have been so
intent on waging war against George Bush and the GOP that they have
prevented the country from getting anything done. Seriously, that's
what he -- and much of the political establishment -- actually thinks:
that Congress has been too assertive and bellicose in flexing its
power:As the Democrats assemble in Denver, there's an odd dissonance to
the party. The star of the show is "Mr. Cool," Barack Obama, the
ultra-charismatic senator who landed on the national stage as if from
outer space -- seemingly untouched by the usual racial and political
scars -- promising a new era of bipartisanship and national healing.

But the supporting cast is a collection of red-hot politicians I've
come to think of as the Get-Even Gang -- led by the party's
congressional leaders, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid. They made their names clawing and battling against
Karl Rove's Republicans, and they are partisan politicians to the bone.

The partisanship of the congressional leadership has been a virtue for
Democrats, up to a point. By being as tough and unyielding as their GOP
rivals, they won back control of Congress. But they haven't done much
with their majorities these past two years, beyond bashing President
Bush. . . .

As an extra-credit assignment before this week's convention, I've been
reading the books recently published by congressional leaders. And I
must say, these are not works that rank with the political novels of
Anthony Trollope. The titles -- Pelosi's "Know Your Power" and
Reid's "The Good Fight" -- sound almost pugilistic. They reveal the
mind-set that has made these leaders such effective partisan
brawlers. . . .

These old-fashioned Democrats don't just oppose Republicans; they
actively dislike them . . . . Pelosi and Reid rose to leadership
positions during the hyper-partisan years of Republican control of
Congress, and it shows. They are the people who refused to be
Swift-boated, DeLay-ed or otherwise crushed by the Republican attack
machine. They attacked back and were as vengeful as the
Republicans. . . .It's a virtue for Obama that he seems to be above the
fray -- so long as he shows the toughness and hands-on leadership to
steer his party and the country out of what has been a dark, partisan
period into something better and brighter.Since Pelosi and Reid took
over Congress, the Congress has funded the Iraq war without even a
symbolic condition. It has rejected every proposal to limit war
spending. It has enacted one right-wing proposal after the next, from
warrantless surveillance and telecom immunity to declaring parts of the
Iranian Government a "terrorist organization." It passed a housing bill
and "stimulus" package approved by the administration. It has done
nothing to reverse the radical executive power theories and has done
much to institutionalize them. If there is one predominant trait of the
Congress over the past several years, it has been a willingness to
grant every item on the the President's wish list regardless of whether
Democrats or Republicans are in control.

It's literally hard to imagine how Congress could possibly be weaker
and more pliant than they've been. If Congress became any more
cooperative, Capitol Hill might just vanish altogether. Yet David
Ignatius, the ultimate establishment pundit, thinks that Nancy Pelosi
and Harry Reid are vicious partisan fighters who are so intent on
waging vindictive war on poor George Bush that the country has been
unable to "get anything done" -- such as saving the country from "the
reality that Social Security is facing bankruptcy," which, frets
Ignatius, "seems not to interest either Pelosi or Reid" (the reality
that the U.S. itself faces bankruptcy from the State of Permanent War
which Ignatius and his establishment comrades envision for the U.S.
seems not to interest Ignatius).

The most entrenched establishment spokespeople are cheering the
selection of Joe Biden because, in their minds, that selection confirms
the most important fact for them: that in this election, the prevailing
orthodoxies of our political system won't be meaningfully challenged.
Chief Establishment Defender Fred Hiatt cheerfully announced today,
also on the Editorial page of The Washington Post, that the Ways of
Washington have been vindicated:Mr. Biden may share Mr. Obama's
outlook, but with an idealism tempered by years in the trenches. Which
points to Mr. Biden's second advantage: experience. Mr. Obama's
willingness to reach out to the kind of seasoned insider that he has,
at times, derided suggests a heartening recognition that time in
Washington can be useful.David Brooks wrote earlier in the week that he
hoped Obama chose Biden because it would advance what Brooks conceives
of as "the good of the country." The political establishment's
overriding preoccupation is that nothing meaningful should change how
the political system works, that both parties should continue to
embrace the central orthodoxies. The primary concern of Brooks, in
particular, is that American "not hav[e] a strategic debate about
retracting American power and influence. . . This is not a country
looking to avoid entangling alliances. This is not a country renouncing
the threat of force. This is not a country looking to come home again."

Whether rightly or wrongly, Biden is approved of and deemed to have
Seriousness credentials by the political establishment because they
perceive that he affirms those central precepts and they see his
selection as a sign that Obama will, too. And there is much to suggest
that that perception -- at least as it applies to Biden -- is correct.
In an October, 2001 New Republic article, Michael Crowley recounted
that Biden was continuously boasting that the terrorism bill sent to
Congress by John Ashcroft (soon to be called The Patriot Act) was a
replica of legislation that Biden had long advocated -- ever since the
Oklahoma City courthouse bombing:Unexpectedly, a call comes in from
Attorney General John Ashcroft. Biden picks up the phone and greets
Ashcroft like an old Elks lodge buddy. "Hey John, Joe. Howyadoin' pal?
What's the sticking points, and tell me if I can be helpful." All day,
reporters had been buzzing that Ashcroft wanted to cut a deal with a
Democrat, perhaps Biden, to circumvent the stubborn Judiciary Committee
chairman, Pat Leahy. . . .

Rather than build up the credentials of a party deeply mistrusted by
the public on foreign affairs, Biden often seems more interested in
advertising his own accomplishments. In the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma
City bombing, Biden did, in fact, champion an anti-terrorism bill
similar to the one now before Congress (though it was, as he complains,
badly watered down by anti-government conservatives and leftist civil
libertarians). And Biden doesn't let you forget it. "I introduced the
terrorism bill in '94 that had a lot of these things in it," he bragged
to NBC's Tim Russert on September 30. When I spent the day with him
later that week, Biden mentioned the legislation to me, and to several
other reporters he encountered, no fewer than seven times. "When I was
chairman in '94 I introduced a major antiterrorism bill--back then," he
says in the morning, flashing a knowing grin and pausing for effect.
(Never mind that he's gotten the year wrong.) Back in his office later
that afternoon, he brings it up yet again. "I drafted a terrorism bill
after the Oklahoma City bombing. And the bill John Ashcroft sent up was
my bill."Numerous articles are hailing Biden's steadfast "pro-Israel"
record and praising him as a great liberal "internationalist" --
someone who believes in the wisdom and justifiability of U.S. military
interventions in a wide array of situations. Last night, I spoke with
Denver criminal defense attorney and Talk Left blogger Jeralyn Merritt,
who said that Biden has long been the leading advocate of the harshest
and most aggressive drug criminalization laws and general "anti-crime"
measures (see this 2002 Glenn Reynolds article on Biden's "anti-RAVE"
legislation as an example).

Ever since it became clear that Obama would be the likely nominee, the
political establishment has been demanding of him more and more proof
that his "change" rhetoric is just that -- rhetoric, and not anything
meant as a genuine threat to the prevailing order of things. Obama,
arguably out of political necessity, has repeatedly obliged, eagerly
trying to offer proof that he is no threat to them, and the Biden
selection is but the latest step in that campaign of reassurance. In
sum, Biden is a reliable supporter of virtually every prevailing bit of
conventional wisdom within the American elite political consensus,
which is why his selection has been widely praised by the
establishment, whose principal concern is that their fiefdom not be
disrupted and that their consensus not be challenged.

None of this is to say that Biden is a bad pick. Given the other likely
choices that had been bandied about, there were far worse
possibilities, and few better ones. It's much more difficult to predict
the political effect of these sorts of things than the
always-omniscient political pundits like to pretend, but there are
certainly many good reasons for thinking that the choice of Biden is
politically shrewd. It's anyone's guess if that will turn out to be
true. And on the merits, Biden's opposition to the First Gulf War
suggests he's far from the extreme in foreign policy; as Reason's Dave
Weigel points out, Biden, even with the numerous times he has supported
deploying the U.S. military, doesn't come close to the
McCain/Lieberman/Kristol bloodlust for Endless War. Biden's opposition
to the series of horrible FISA bills, including the last one supported
by Obama in July, demonstrates much the same thing.

What is most significant here is that for all the talk about how
radical and horrible the Bush presidency has been, for all the
hand-wringing over how deeply dissatisfied the citizenry is with our
political institutions and direction of the country, what establishment
figures like David Ignatius, Fred Hiatt and David Brooks crave most is
to ensure that nothing really change. To them, what is most vital is
that everything continue more or less as is, and that in particular, we
continue to be a country ruled by "the centralization of government
power in the White House," in which even the meekest and most
ineffectual of Congressional leaders -- Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi --
are attacked for being too "partisan," disruptive and belligerent.

Congress was, in theory, the instrument for the citizenry to exert
influence over the Government -- to enable citizens to decide when and
if we went to war, how we conducted ourselves in the world, what power
political leaders would have over citizens, what limits would constrain
them. That's why the political establishment wants to reduce and neuter
Congressional power as much as possible.

What the David Ignatiuses and Fred Hiatts of the world fear most is any
meaningful influence on the part of the citizenry over the levers of
Government (as the Post's Shailagh Murray said in explaining why the
Government should ignore public opposition to the Iraq War: "Would you
want a department store manager or orthodontist running the Pentagon? I
don't think so"). Preserving "the centralization of government power in
the White House" is the best and most effective means devised thus far
for allowing the political elite to run the country without
interference from the dirty, stupid masses, and though the
establishment generally believes (accurately) that Republicans serve
those ends more effectively, what they care about most is obtaining a
bipartisan commitment to continuing that state of affairs. They're fine
with rhetoric bashing the Bush administration -- now that it's almost
over. What they oppose most vociferously is any effort to change the
framework that enabled it.

UPDATE: Andrew Bacevich in The Los Angeles Times today:Will the next
president actually bring about Big Change? Don't get your hopes
up. . . .The very structure of American politics imposes its own
constraints. For all the clout that presidents have accrued since World
War II, their prerogatives remain limited. A President McCain will
almost certainly face a Congress controlled by a Democratic and
therefore obstreperous majority. A President Obama, even if his own
party runs the Senate and House, won't enjoy all that much more
latitude, especially when it comes to three areas in which the dead
hand of the past weighs most heavily: defense policy, energy policy and
the Arab-Israeli peace process. The military-industrial complex will
inhibit efforts to curb the Pentagon's penchant for waste. Detroit and
Big Oil will conspire to prolong the age of gas guzzling. And the
Israel lobby will oppose attempts to chart a new course in the Middle
East. If the past provides any indication, advocates of the status quo
will mount a tenacious defense.People like Fred Hiatt, David Ignatius
and David Brooks are merely the spokespeople for these "advocates of
the status quo" -- those whose principal objective is to keep
everything essentially the way it is, no matter which party wins, even
as Americans become more and more deeply dissatisfied with their
political institutions.

UPDATE II: Fox News tries to create some trite, inane, melodramatic
storyline to feed their mindless viewers -- "The Angry Radical Far Left
is in Denver!" -- and the "reporter" they sent, Griff Jenkins, receives
a less than respectful welcome:

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