Sent to you by Sean McBride via Google Reader: Palin, Buchanan and
Israel? via Sic Semper Tyrannis 2008 by turcopolier on 9/1/08
"Rep. Bob Wexler, D-Florida, took the AP report, and said "John
McCain's decision to select a vice presidential running mate that
endorsed Pat Buchanan for president in 2000 is a direct affront to all
Jewish Americans. Pat Buchanan is a Nazi sympathizer with a uniquely
atrocious record on Israel, even going as far as to denounce bringing
former Nazi soldiers to justice and praising Adolf Hitler for
his 'great courage.' At a time when standing up for Israel's right to
self-defense has never been more critical, John McCain has failed his
first test of leadership and judgment by selecting a running mate who
has aligned herself with a leading anti-Israel voice in American
politics. It is frightening that John McCain would select someone one
heartbeat away from the presidency who supported a man who embodies
vitriolic anti-Israel sentiments."" ABC News


Well, I don't think that Buchanan is a Nazi sympathizer, but it is
clear that he thinks Israel has had too much influence on American
foreign policy.

The Palin/McCain campaign is now doing its best to minimize the degree
of Sarah Palin's past support for Pat Buchanan's Quixotic attempts to
run for president. They point to her later (?) support for Forbes as an
antidote to the notion that she was a serious Buchanan supporter.
A "pitchfork" mom?

It will be hard to make that work for a lot of hard core Zionists.
Palin's support for Buchanan was more than casual. He is quoted in this
piece in such a way that he appears to think she was a serious
supporter. You may not like Buchanan but he is not delusional. In fact,
his lack of delusion on many subjects has caused him a lot of trouble.

The big question about Palin and "foreign" policy ought to be how she
can have supported Buchanan's view that Israel is a small, foreign
place, far away that costs the US more than it is worth. Now she is the
running mate ("soul mate" as well?) of John (Ich bin ein Tel Aviver)

The cynicism of the people running the McCain campaign will allow for
an easy amnesia of her earlier position if the Democrats allow that.
The possibility of relentless questioning on this point beckons.

McCain does not deal well with frustration. He does not deal well with
opposition to his judgment calls. There is a real possibility that he
can be provoked into a moment... "You want the truth, you can't handle
the truth. They stole my strawberries. They stole my strawberries...."
That would be "The End."

And then, there is Joe (sledgehammer) Biden on the other side... pl

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