I have found a performance issue when using TextIO.StreamIO.input1 to read a functional stream. Looking at gc/non-gc times and using PolyML.profiling, it appears that garbage collection accounts for most of the time. There is some code below to demonstrate with stats that include comparison with SML/NJ.

The profiling shows that readFromReader in basis/BasicStreamIO.sml is responsible for creating values that are being garbage collected. Looking at this code, I can see various things that would contribute to this garbage collection but nothing that is obviously problematic. Is it simply the case that overheads in the implementation mean that it is not suitable for a large number of small reads?


(* `makeTextFile (filename, length)` generates a text file    *)
(* called `filename` of length `length` where every character *)
(* is the digit '0'.                                          *)

val l = 2048;
val s = implode (List.tabulate (l, fn _ => #"0"));

fun makeTextFile (filename, length) =
     open TextIO;

     val ostream = getOutstream (openOut filename);

     fun write n =
       if n < l
         StreamIO.output (ostream, String.substring (s, 0, n))
         (StreamIO.output (ostream, s); write (n - l));
     write length;
     StreamIO.closeOut ostream


(* `readTextFile filename` reads the file called `filename`   *)
(* one character at a time using a functional input stream    *)
(* and returns the time taken to read it.                     *)

fun readTextFile filename =
     open TextIO;

     val src = getInstream (openIn filename);

     fun read src =
       case StreamIO.input1 src of
         SOME (_, src') => read src'
       | NONE           => ();

     val startTime = Timer.startCPUTimer ();
     read src;
     (fn {sys, usr} => Time.+ (sys, usr)) (Timer.checkCPUTimer startTime)
       before StreamIO.closeIn src

(* Create files and then read *)

makeTextFile ("text-01MB", 1024 * 1024 * 1);
makeTextFile ("text-02MB", 1024 * 1024 * 2);
makeTextFile ("text-03MB", 1024 * 1024 * 3);
makeTextFile ("text-04MB", 1024 * 1024 * 4);
makeTextFile ("text-05MB", 1024 * 1024 * 5);

readTextFile "text-01MB";
readTextFile "text-02MB";
readTextFile "text-03MB";
readTextFile "text-04MB";
readTextFile "text-05MB";

(* read times in seconds on Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz, 2GB *)
            Poly/ML 4.1.3     Poly/ML 5.2     SML/NJ 110.52

text-01MB      0.7 -  0.8       0.3 - 1.5       0.03 - 0.05
text-02MB      2.2 -  2.3       1.9 - 2.8       0.06 - 0.09
text-03MB      4.3 -  4.5       2.0 - 4.3       0.08 - 0.14
text-04MB      7.2 -  7.5       4.2 - 6.6       0.11 - 0.16
text-05MB     11.0 - 11.1       4.0 - 5.8       0.14 - 0.18


(* for large files, Poly/ML 4.1.3 can run out of store: *)

makeTextFile ("text-40MB", 1024 * 1024 * 40);

readTextFile "text-40MB";

            Poly/ML 4.1.3     Poly/ML 5.2     SML/NJ 110.52

text-40MB     out of store      101.4           1.1 - 1.2

4.1.3 gives the following message:

Run out of store - interrupting console processes
Exception- Interrupt raised


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