I wanted to create an executable that runs the Poly/ML read-eval-print loop
with some code of mine precompiled. What I found was that the print part
of the read-eval-print loop doesn't work if I compile from source with
polyc, but does work if I use PolyML.export to create a .o file and then link it
with polyc.

For example, if I have a file t.ML containing the following two lines:

        fun p s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, s); s);
        val main = PolyML.rootFunction

and compile it with:

        polyc -o t t.ML

and then run:

        echo 'val x = p "Boo!\n"' | t

the output I see is:

        Poly/ML 5.7 Release

So it's executed my code, but it hasn't printed the usual report
on the new value binding for x.

So I copied what I do in ProofPower, which does something similar
but doesn't have this problem. I appended the following line to t.ML:

        val _ = PolyML.export ("t", main);

and compiled it with:

        poly < t.ML
        polyc -o t t.o

Then when I run t as above, I see the output, I'd expected to get:

        Poly/ML 5.7 Release
        val x = "Boo!\n": string

The work-around is easy, but it would be nice to be able to compile
from source to executable directly (and to minimise the Poly/ML-specific
code in my source).



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