Attempting to run the CakeML CI test sequence (a 2-3 day process) on any Poly/ML
version newer than 5.7 frequently results in out of memory errors.  The 
of any given test failing is low and seems very sensitive to environmental 
and I am still trying to reliably reproduce the failure in any setting, but I 
managed to generate --debug gc --debug heapsize logs from failures (attached).
The log file is from v5.8.1 but I have seen the issue on several different HEAD
revisions over the past month.

The "Run out of store - interrupting threads" message in the middle of a block 
GC output makes me suspect a race condition but otherwise I have little to go on
here.  Any advice would be appreciated.  I'll update if I find anything.

The machine has 256GB installed and I generally run tests with --maxheap 75000,
so a failure with a heap size of only 2GB is quite odd.


Attachment: ag32BootstrapProofTheory
Description: Binary data

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