Posix.ProcEnv.uname() will give you various strings which will help distinguish between Unix-like systems. The only problem is that the Posix structure is not present on Windows so the code will not compile there.

OS.Path.joinDirFile will effectively tell you the directory separator.
e.g on Linux:
OS.Path.joinDirFile{dir="a", file="b"};
val it = "a/b": string

on Windows:
> OS.Path.joinDirFile{dir="a", file="b"};
val it = "a\\b": string

This is off the top of my head. There may be other ways of doing what you want depending on exactly what you're trying to do.


On 13/11/2021 14:51, zacque wrote:

How to detect the current running OS in Poly/ML?

I'm looking for something like:

datatype Platform = Linux | Windows | macOS | BSD | ...
val getPlatform : unit -> Platform

If not, how can I implement something like this, if possible?

I'm asking because it's useful for writing OS specific library,
e.g. path library to print Unix/Windows-style path. I've tried searching
around the web and looking into the Basis Library manual, but still couldn't
find anything useful.

Any pointer will be much appreciated. Thanks!

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