El dilluns, 25 de desembre de 2017, a les 1:48:04 CET, suzuki toshiya va 
> Hi,
> The "uninstalled" pkg-config files (e.g. poppler-cpp-uninstalled.pc)
> are not generated since the removal of autotool.
> It is useful for experimental build of other softwares if they
> try to find the poppler by pkg-config and the developer do not
> want to touch the system-wide poppler.
> If I write some patch, it would be considered? Or, cmake has different
> way for such purpose?

I guess noone else besides you uses them since you're the first one to 

my suggestion is just install to $HOME/somepath and then make your other 
software use $HOME/somepath

But if the patch is not very intrusive and it helps you i guess it won't hurt 
to have it.


> Regards,
> mpsuzuki
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