
On Wed, 01.02.2006 at 16:52:24 +0100, Marc Balmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Andreas Vögele wrote:
> > third-party PHP ports, like for example Horde, depend on the php5
> > port.  You can't built packages that depend on php4.
> An you can't use modern software like recent horde based stuff with
> PHP4.

why not depend on PHP5 for packages that need it, on PHP4 OR PHP5 for
packages that are ok with any of them, and have both PHP4 and PHP5

> > If I were the OP I would install the relevant third-party PHP packages
> > manually without using the ports system.  Alternatively, he could copy
> > those ports to /usr/ports/mystuff and alter the dependencies.
> Why not consider using PHP5?

While neither PHP4 nor PHP5 give me great feelings of trust, PHP5 is
still too new for my taste, and also generally claimed to require
_much_ more machine resources. I'm not really thrilled at throwing more
hardware at PHP if there is no *compelling* reason.

Also, we need Typo3 (blech) which in turn requires PHP4, not PHP5.
Compatibility with PHP5 is planned for 4.0, so turned around, 3.8.x
isn't compatible with PHP5, and 4.0 beta isn't, either.


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