On Wed, 8 Aug 2007, Lars Hansson wrote:

Trying to get CUPS working is giving me some headaches. If I use any
other driver than "raw" printing a test page results in "Unsupported
format 'application/postscript'!" and printing from other applications
(KDE, xpp) gives an "client-error-document-format-not-supported" even
if i try to print a plain text file. Am i missing something obvious or
is there a problem with the CUPS port?
CUPS is 1.2.7p3 from ports and base is snapshot from august 2.

Try changing LogLevel in cupsd.conf to get more info out of it:

       LogLevel alert

       LogLevel crit

       LogLevel debug2

       LogLevel debug

       LogLevel emerg

       LogLevel error

       LogLevel info

       LogLevel none

       LogLevel notice

       LogLevel warn
            Specifies the logging level for the ErrorLog file.

Antti Harri

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