
On Tue, 14.10.2008 at 11:58:41 +0200, Marc Espie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 09:58:11AM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
> >  * pkg_add does also not seem to support "stacked repositories" (I
> >    don't have a better name for this). I mean: If I use eg. my
> >    $PKG_CACHE first within my $PKG_PATH to find packages on my disk
> >    first, pkg_add does not seem to resolve any other package names
> >    not present in $PKG_CACHE. The same seems to be true for online
> >    repositories.
> Not quite the whole story. It works like -L for ld: it stops at the
> first repository that contains packages that match what you ask for.

I was so far under the impression that pkg_add locks in on the first
repository it can access, and disregards all other repositories in the
path. At least, I experienced problems like this (contrived example,
after having had the problem some months ago):


pkg_add unoffical1 official2

with 'unofficial1' being present in 'localrepo', then it would try to
find 'official2' in 'localrepo', too, and barfs if it doesn't find it
there. Similar story for different versions of a package in different

But I'll double-check with your most recent code again.

> >    This prevents me from having local repositories that contain only
> >    unofficial stuff, and having official mirrors as a fallback option
> >    only.
> I don't understand that paragraph. If you have only unofficial stuff in the
> local repositories, then you're good. It will interfere only when it needs
> to.

I usually have both in my local repository.

> On the other hand, PKG_CACHE is mostly there to allow you to reinstall a
> set of boxen quickly after installing the first one...

While we're at it, I found that mirrors often shut the connection down
in the middle due to too frequent accesses (purported DoS attacks)
while running pkg_add -ui. Maybe one can take a leaf out of Debian's
book about package management and download only lists of packages from
any one mirror, and later get the files in a second run, but all in one

Just my 0.02 cents...

Kind regards,

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