
On Sun, 14.06.2009 at 18:43:50 +0200, Toni Mueller <openbsd-po...@oeko.net> 
> In the meantime, I've updated the port to pure-ftpd-1.0.22 as per your
> suggestions, but with not much success. Now I get "Login failed" in the
> client, and in the OpenLDAP log, I get tons of
> "requesting something... granted". The last log entries look like this:
> @400000004a3526e330582ebc => access_allowed: read access granted by 
> read(=rscxd)
> @400000004a3526e3305928bc conn=6 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 
> text=
> @400000004a3526e330599a04 conn=6 op=2 UNBIND
> @400000004a3526e33059bd2c conn=6 fd=13 closed
> IOW, with nentries=1, there should be a success, but there isn't. I'll
> now try the 1.0.21+your patch, too.

trying the patched 1.0.21 works. Thanks a bunch!

Kind regards,

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